Chapter 12

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Rachels POV

Bridgette, Kelsie, and I had just got back from getting ice cream with the R5 boys. Or at least three of them anyways. I dont know...something about them just...

"That. Was. Amazing!" Bridgette squealed as we got back to our hotel. I closed the door behind us seeing that I was the last one in the room. "How lucky could we get?" she said again throwing herself on one of the beds. Kelsie and I just stood there.

"Its not like they asked you out or anything," Kelsie said as her phone started to ring. "Crap. Its my sister. I was supposed to spend the weekend with her and her boyfriend while my parents are out of town." By now the third ring had passed, "MiKeighla!" she answered the phone, walking into the hallway.

"You really havnt talked that much. In fact I really havnt heard you talk since the day you went back to school after your accident. Which I had only known you for about a week then but still. You seem like the type that would be talking her head off," Bridgette said in almost one breath.

My mind was just turning. I mean them guys...Maybe Ive met them before, in a dream or something. And it was true that I hadnt really talked. Ive only known Kelsie and Bridgette, well the first time I remember seeing them again was when I got back after my accidet. So its not like I really have anything to talk about with them. And its not like I wanted to be here right now. I would rather be at home sleeping in my own house, in my own bed, not chasing a bunch of boys in a band around at 11:30 at night. Although I did feel like I could tell all three of the boys plus Bridgette and Kelsie everything thats happened in my life...that i remember.

"Maddy?" Bridgette said breaking me from my thoughts. Once she noticed she had my attention she started talking again. "You know you do look a lot like Ryland," she told me pulling out her phone, probably to look at a picture of him. We sat there for a quiet three minutes before she spoke again. "Eh," Bridgette said putting down her phone and looking at the clock. "Well we better get to sleep, because its going to be another long night tomorrow."

Kelsies POV

"Yes Keighla but Bridgette already bought the tickets, and I didn't want them to go to waste. So maybe I should have told you...Ok you know what we'll talk about this with mom and dad when I get back. K bye." And with that I hung up. I'd spent the last 20 minutes talking on the phone with my sister, just down the hall from our hotel room.

I stood there for a minute then decided to go downstairs to the vending machines and get myself a tea. I took the elevator down since I always thought the were fun to ride in. I walked over to the little area where the vending machines were, when I noticed I didn't bring any money with me.

"Here let me buy you one." I looked up to see who the voice belonged to. Oh its just Ryley or whatever his name is from that band that we got ice cream with earlier. Wait...what?!

"No its ok. I really don't need one anyways," Ryson or whatever ignored me and put money in the machine anyway.

"There pick what you want." I reached out and touched the green tea button with out breaking eye contact with, oh right his names Ryland. "It's Kelsie right?" he asked me as I took my tea from the bottom of the vending machine.


"So you guys are staying in the same hotel as us. You're pretty lucky," Ryland said with a smile. He has a nice smile.

"Yeah I guess we are," I said smiling back. I mean what wasn't there to be happy about. A couple hours ago I was sitting in a Dairy Queen eating ice cream with this kid,  now I find out we are staying in the same hotel, and he just bout me a tea. Man! When I tell Bridgette about this she's going to freak out! But wait I hate these guys. I only came because I didn't want Bridgette to waste money on a ticket she already bought, and because Maddy made me. Well...I guess Ryland might be a little cute.


It was one in the morning, me and Ryland were sitting in the hotel lobby and had basically been through almost every topic.

"Well I should probably go up to bed, because I have a long day tomorrow," Ryland said standing up. "Actually I guess both of us do..."

"Yeah I probably should too," I said stretching a little as I stood up.

"Here," Ryland said grabbing a pen off the little coffee table, and writing his number on my hand. His hands were really big compared to mine. "Text me, or call, or face time, or something." I looked down at the number then back up at him smiling.

"Now you have to promise not to give that out to anyone," he told me folding my hand over.

"Trust me I wont," I said letting out a little laugh. If I was him I wouldn't want a bunch of fans trying to call me either.

Ryland gave a little smile again, "Night," he said as he turned and walked down the hall way to the stairs. All I could do was smile as I watched him walk away.

A few minutes later, still in amazement of what had just happed, I made my way up to the room. I unlocked the door to fine Bridgette and Maddy sleeping, each one on a separate bed, which left me the floor. I gave a little sigh not wanting to sleep on the floor but whatever, because I'm pretty sure my night was better than theirs.

I laid a blanket on the floor and put a pillow on top, then went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and change my clothes. After I was done with that I grabbed my phone then got in my bed. I looked at my arm and put Rylands number in my phone as Ry the cutie pie.

Me: Goodnight Ryland :)

Just a few seconds later I got a reply

Ry the cutie pie: Night Kels :)

After that I finally went to sleep.


Who's listened to Louder?!?! I don't even know why Im asking this because Im sure everyone has by now. My favorite song at the moment is Forget About You but Im pretty sure that will change because I can never keep one of their songs as my favorite song. Its always changing. But since its the 24th, and as we will know it the day R5s first album came out, I figured you guys deserved a new chapter. I know it really wasn't much but I hope you liked it :)

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