Chapter 17

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Rockys POV

Right before the Riker threw the knife at Ross I reached out and grabbed it from him. "No. Im not gonna let you do it," I told Riker as he rolled his eyes at me and started walking to the door. "You may hate him right now but he's your brother so you still care about him."

Riker put his hand on the door nob then turned back to me. "Yeah? Doesnt mean I couldnt try," he told me then he turned to Ross. "Just stay away from me." And with that he slammed the door. Then Ross got up and ran upstairs.

Ryland sat there staring into space until Rachel said something. "Ryland," which caused him to look up at her. "Kelsie."

"Oh. Right," he said before getting up and following Ross.

Before long Rachel had left and I was left alone. I got up from the couch and let go of the knife I was still holding, and there was a sting. I had grabbed the blade of the knife and now there was pretty good sized cut on the palm of my hand.

I headed to the upstairs bathroom which was right past Rydel and Rachels room. Del was the only one in there and i guess she must have noticed me.

"Oh my gosh! Rocky what happened?" she asked me as she jumped up from where she was sitting on her bed.

I took a breath then started explaining, as my sister lead me into the bathroom. "Riker is obviously mad at Ross and when he came back inside he had a knife with him."

"Where did he get a knife from?" Rydel asked wiping my hand off.

"I dont know. The garage maybe. Anyways, Ross said that he slept with Ashley before he knew Riker and her were dating. But apparently that didnt change Rikers mind and he started to throw the knife at him but right before he let go I grabbed it and well..." I looked down at my hand that now had barely and blood on it, thanks to Delly.

"Well at least you took the knife from him. Here rinse your hand off so I can wrap it," she told me as she reached for some cloth stuff, to wrap my hand with. "I knew what Ross did was wrong but...." she paused and just stared into space for a little bit. "Hey!" Rydel yelled standing up which caused my hand to land face down on the counter.

I winced a little bit because it hurt. "Ow," I quietly said lifting up my hand.

"Sorry," Rydel said looking down at me then sitting back down, taking my hand again. "I bet Ross was with Ashley the night he crashed my car."

"Yeah probably. Are you almost done?"

"Almost. Just sit still," she told me, as she pinned the cloth so it wouldnt come undone. "There."

I stood up examining my well bandaged hand. "Thanks," I said smiling then looking down at my sister. She was staring at the floor and looked half confused half sad. "You know you should probably try and talk to Riker. I mean youre his baby sister so he'll most likely listen to you."

"Yeah I know. But we dont know where he went..."

Kelsies POV

Its been three days since I caught Ryland kissing that girl. I knew I shouldnt have kept chasing him, but deep down inside it really felt like he was the one. He hasnt called to explain his actions and I was expecting him to. I dont know. Maybe we just wern't meant to be.

A couple days ago I moved out here to California to live with my aunt, so I could be closer to Ry. But now it wasnt really necessary to stay here so Im moving back home Wyoming tomorrow. I dont want to move back, but since I dont have a boyfriend anymore there's no point in staying. Im really going to miss Rachel. We've been through a lot together in the past four months.

I heard a knock on the front door and since my aunt wasnt home at the moment I figured I better get up and see who it is. I walked downstairs and looked out the front window to see who was here. Great, just the person who I didnt want to talk to, but yet I wanted to talk to at the same time. Ryland.

I opened the door and rolled my eyes and right away he started talking. "Listen Kelsie I--"

I cut him off before he could say anymore, "Did Rachel make you come over here?" I asked with attitude. This is the guy who broke my heart why shouldnt I be mad.

"Yes but--"

"Then you should probably leave," I started closing the door.

"Rachel told me three days ago that I should talk to you and I was going to but then I chickened out. I just couldnt build up the courage to come talk to you face to face. And Im sorry. What I did was wrong She came up to me and egged me on and she kissed me but I will admit I did kiss back. Im really sorry. Im a terrible person I--"

"Save it Ry," I said cutting him off again. "You kissed her back. I broke up with you. Its over bye," I started closing the door again but he stopped it with his hand.

"Right when I pulled back fromt that girl I knew I was wrong. And that first night I saw you, before we were talking in the loby until one in the morning...Kelsie you're so beautiful and I though...Well I thought you would start flirting with Ross or Rocky too. They're the ones in the band, Im just the brother..."

Tears started forming in my eyes. No Kelsie you cant cry infront of him. You dont even like him anymore. "Yeah? Well then why did you kiss her in the first place?!" I yelled at him letting a tear go. "You knew you were dating me! And it was our first date Ryland! Just why?!" I yelled finally letting everything go. 

Next thing I knew his lips were on mine. Why couldnt that have been me he was kissing the other day? We pulled back and looked into each others eyes for a couple seconds and then my lips were back on him, kissing him hard.


Sorry this seems badly written. There are mini posters or whatever you call those things of all of them in the new BOP!! Thanks for reading -Anna :)

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