Chapter 4

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Rydels POV

I woke up to sunlight coming through my bedroom window. I looked over at Rachels bed. Gone. She wasnt asleep when I went to bed last night. Maybe she just had something going on early at school.

I walked out to the kitchen to get myself something to drink. No one was there either. Usually either Ry or Rach would be there getting ready for school. Oh well. I poured myself a glass of orange juice then when to go sit outside.

After a few minutes i heard the front door open and Riker and Ryland came out. "Where are you two going?" I asked.

"Im taking Ryland to school and then going to run and do some other things," Riker said and Ryland headed over to the car. It seemed like he didnt want to talk to me, probably because he knew what I was going to ask next.

"So did Rachel ever come home?" I asked again as I followed Riker over to the car.

"Im guessing not," Riker answered looking in the car at Ryland, who was messing on his phone. I knew he could hear us and was trying not to make eye contact.

"He's really done it this time," I said stepping back from the car. Riker got in the car and backed out of the driveway. He stopped before heading out and rolled down his window, "I'll be back...I dont know exactly when I'll be back. But I promise I'll be back," he finished giving me a smile. I gave a small smile back then headed back inside.

Rylands POV

I walked through the front doors of the school to be greeted by my best friend Ty, who pulled me into a bro hug. Ty had been on vacation in Florida for the past week and apparently was excited to see me.

"Hey man hows it been?"

"Great!" I said trying to sound excited to see him. Except for the fact that my baby sister was, for all i knew, missing. "So how was Florida?"

"It was awesome! Hot. So where's your sister?" Ty asked looking around my shoulder, probably to see if she had followed me in.

 I sighed. I didnt know how I was going to tell him Rachel was gone. You see Ty had this little crush on Rachel. And with him being my best friend he was around her most of the time. Plus I could see they were supposed to be together, just by the way they looked at each other. And thats how I knew Jakob wasnt the right guy for Rach and that I had to do something about it. But what was I supposed to say? Oh you see well I was trying to get Rachel and Jakob to break up so maybe she would start seeing more in you. And in the process she got mad at me and now shes gone? Yeah no that wasnt going to happen. "Oh Im sure shes just talking with some other friends."

"Ok good," Ty said smiling as the bell rang. "I'll catch up with you later."

"Yeah," was all I could say. I tried not to look too disappointed.

Ross' POV

I woke up to an adorable little face right next to mine, and my arm wrapped around the girl it belonged to. I must have moved around a little too much because her eyes slowly fluttered open giving me a cute little smile. Damn that smile was adorable. Then reality must have hit because right as she said shit i flew myself out of the bed.

"Ok I have no idea who the hell you are just please put some clothes on," she told me as she tried to cover up her vision with her hands.

I looked down to see I wasnt wearing anything and quickly found my boxers on the floor. I then put on my jeans and pulled out my wallet to find Rikers ID inside. I could faintly remember what happened but I was bored so I went into Rikers room grabbed his wallet then some how I ended up at a bar and now I was

I looked back down at the floor for my shirt which wasnt there. "Hey do you know where my shirt is?" I turned back to the girl who had her face in her hands, probably trying to figure out what had happened last night.

"God no," she said sounding almost confused as I was. She looked around the room, "Just put that one on over there."

I got up and walked over to where she had pointed and picked up the shirt. It looked like a guys shirt, probably the last guy she had slept with. Right before I left I figured I should say something. Nothing was coming to me so I just went with a "good luck" and then left.

I walked outside to find Rydel's car parked at the curb. Well at least I have a way home. After about ten minutes trying to figure out where I was I got a text from Rocky.

Rocky: Hey I have no idea where you are but can you pick up Ry from school? He says hes not feeling to good.

Ross: Yeah sure.

I couldnt hit sent because right when I was about too I felt an air bag being smashed against my face.

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