Chapter 20

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Rylands POV

Me and Rachel had just pulled into the LAX parking lot. "Ok Im not going to walk you in because I dont want mom and dad or anyone else to get suspicious. So good luck," Rachel said as she hugged me.

"Thanks," I said. I smiled as we were hugging. "Really Rachel, thank you," I told her as we pulled away. "I mean for the plane tickets and everything. I'm going to try and get her back, I really am. By the way where did you get the money to buy plane tickets?"

"I had a job remember? And then I quit that and started doing little things for people in the neighborhood," she told me. Oh yeah I forgot she used to work at a little cafe on Saturdays. "Now go, before you miss your flight," she said giving me another hug.

I opened the passenger side door to get out then Rachel stopped me. "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. Youre plane leaves at 8 AM mountain time. They're an hour ahead of us, so dont miss your plane back. You dj tomorrow night and I dont think I would be able to cover for you on that," she said letting out a little laugh.

"I wont. I promise," I said giving a little laugh back. "Ok bye. See you tomorrow." I closed the door and gave her a smile through the window, then started walking to the airport entrance.

in Wyoming

214 Abby St. 214 Abby St. 214-- there it is, I thought to myself as I walked up the front porch steps of what was apparently Kelsie's house. I raised my hand to knock on the door then stopped myself. What are you going to say? You haven't prepared anything. Ugh. I turned around and started walking off the porch. You know what forget it. I'll just tell Rachel I tried but she said no. No that probably wont work. Her and Kelsie most likely still talk to each other.

"Ryland?" I heard Kelsie say my name. I turned around to make sure it was actually her and I wasnt just imagining things.


"Ryland," she cut me off and running up to me to give me a hug. "Ryland Im sorry," she said looking me in the eyes and pulling away from me. "I. I over reacted, back in Cali when you were apologizing. After we kissed and I pushed you out the door I realized that you truly are sorry and that you didnt mean to do what you did. But please never do it again. I dont want to go without you in my life, and I dont even think I could. I almost died when I moved back here. I mean yeah this is home but without talking to you..."

"Kelsie," I let out a light sigh as she gave me another hug. "Will you be my girlfriend again? And come back to California with me? Please?" I asked her with a smile.

"Yes, Ry. Yes!" She almost screamed giving me a kiss on the cheek and hugging me again.

Ross' POV

"Thank you so much for coming out!" I said into my mic after we fished playing the last song of the night. (a/n. ive never been to a concert so I dont know exactly what they saw but just go with it)

"Hey but before you all go, I think we should all congratulate Ross," Riker said looking over and using his arm to point towards me. "He's going to be a dad," he finished with an evil smile. I heard gasps come from the crowd. Great. In a couple hours all of the R5 Family will know. I glared at Riker, he still had that smile on his face.

Right when we walked off the stage the yelling began. "Riker you little...Why would you just announce that?!" I yelled at him.

"Because you deserve it," he told me with a straight face.

"Yes but you just didnt have to go announce it to everyone! Thanks to you you've ruined me. Im probably never going to get another acting career. Im definitely done with Disney, theres not way Im going to get to keep that!--"

"Hey, hey, hey, hey," our mom said stepping in between the two of us. "Calm down! Both of you," she gave a little sigh like she was about to talk but then changed her mind. "I'll be talking with you two when we get home. And youre not going to carry on like that here. Now lets go. Help get the stuff packed up," she told all of us, then walked away.

"Riker youre an idiot for saying that," Rydel said. "Youve probably just ruined it for all of us."

"Hey! Its his own fault! He needs to learn to keep his pants on and--" Riker said but then Rocky cut him off. "Stop. You heard what mom said...Get your crap together so we can go home."

We all started to pack up the stuff, then I heard Ellington whispering to Rydel. "Wait. Ross is going to be a dad? When did this happen. And who?"

"Its a long story. I'll tell you when we get home. You're coming over right?" she asked him.

"Yeah. I can."

"Good," Rydel finished and Ratliff walked away. I turned back and looked at her. Rydel just looked at me and shrugged her shoulders.

Great. Good bye dreams.

Rachels POV

I was standing backstage with Ryland and Kelsie when I heard Riker tell the fans that Ross was going to be a dad. I let out a little gasp. Why would he just say that?

"Riker you little...Why would you just announce that?!" I heard Ross yell.

I felt a hand go over my mouth and I tried to scream. Before I knew it I was being dragged away. I turned just enough so that I could see, out of the corner of my eye, black hair. Jakob. I somehow managed to bite his hand and he let go.

"Ow!" he yelled as he took his hand from my mouth. "What is wrong with you?" he asked me as he pushed me up against the wall and slapping me across the face.

I winced because of how hard he slapped me but then turned back to him. "What is wrong with you?" I asked him as he put his lips to mine. I didnt feel any sparks like I used to. Now that I think of it Im not really sure if there were any sparks before.

Someone threw something at Jake and he back away from me. "Oh you little," Jakob said and started charging towards me but someone stepped in front of me so he couldnt reach me.

"Get away from her!" the person yelled. I saw Jakob back away. "You touch her again and me and you are going to have some problems," the person said just before Jake ran off.

The person turned around to face me. "Ty!" I yelled running up to him and giving him a hug. "Oh my gosh Ty. Thanks. But wait how did you get back here?" I asked him, pulling away from the hug.

"Ryland let me back in," he said pointing to the back door that was only a few feet away from us. "Its been a long time since Ive seen you Rach..." he leaned in and I leaned into. He kissed me and I kissed back.

Yup there were the sparks.


Ok guys this might be the last chapter for a few weeks. I dont know yet thought. I have four more days of school and then Christmas break. I dont know if I'll be able to update over the break, but I'll try. -Anna :)

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