Chapter 11

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Rikers POV

Im sitting in my hotel room flipping through channels on the TV, while Ross, Rocky, and Ryland went to go walk around, and Ellington was in the parking lot calling Kelly. I picked up my phone and opened up twitter. Why not tweet some fans while they're gone. 

@sparklyhallee: Hey @rikerR5 if you dont have a place to stay my beds free ;)                                     @rikerR5: @sparklyhallee haha 

After that first tweet me mentions started to go crazy. I usually try to reply to as many people as I can, but the tweets that stuck out the most were about Ashley and me. Some of them were pretty harsh.

@the7thR: I dont know if its true but Ive heard @rikerR5 gots himself a girlfriend.

@comeandgetme: that bitch better keep her hands off my @rikerR5

@justAnne: Whats all this about @rikerR5 and his Ashley girl

@R5ismythoughts: Is it true that @rikerR5 and @AshleyB are dating?

@RockysTakingMeThere: "@ratliff: dinner with the gang tonight" care to explain @rikerR5?                       And attached was a picture of us at dinner the other night. Ratliff had taken the picture, all of us were smiling at the camera, and my arm was around Ashley. I clicked on Ellington's tweet most of the comments were about me and Ashley and where Rachel was. 

How could I have been so stupid. I really didnt want people to find out about me and Ashley just yet. Yes I know Ratliff and Kelly let people know about them, but thats when we wernt that famous. Plus me and Ashley are brand new. I should have asked Ratliff not to post the picture, or at least kept my arm away from Ashley. 

I heard a knock come from our connecting room doors, which was Rydel's room. I opened the door to find a not happy but not angry Rydel looking down at the ground.

"Hey" she said with the same gloomy expression on her face.

"Hey. Whats wrong?" I asked her.

Rydel walked in the room and sat down on mine and Rocky's bed. "Well I saw the tweets about you and Ashley. Are you ok about that?"

"Yeah. I dont know...but hey fans are going to be fans," I said trying to add a little smile at the end. 

There was a little pause before Rydel sighed then spoke again. "I dont think Im ever going to fall in love."

I went over and sat down on the bed next to her. "You will Del just give it some time." I said putting my arm around her.

A little smile came across her face and I could tell that helped a little. "Im almost 20 Riker. And besides You've got Ashley, Ellington's got Kelly, and Rocky's got Blair."

"Wait who's Blair?" I asked taking me arm from around her.

"Rocky hasnt told you about that?"

"No! So who is she? And how would you know because Im usually the first one to know if any of us boys like a girl."

Rydel now had a bigger smile on her face and was giggling. "Well Mr. NeedToKnowEverything," I rolled my eyes at the nickname she gave me. "Blair is a nurse at the hospital that Ross was in. And the reason I know about them before you is becasue Rocky was gone until four in the morning, the day we left for tour, at her house. And do not tell me your the first one to find out if one of you likes a girl, because I can tell almost every time when you boys do."

Just as Rydel finished talking Ross came through the front door of the room. And Rydel gave me a little "Shh."

"What are you shhing about. You're not keeping secrets from me are you?" Ross asked as he walked over to the fridge and got himself a bottle of water. He gave us his puppy dog look meaning he wanted us to tell him.

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