Chapter 24

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Rockys POV

After Ross and I got to Ashleys apartment, we rushed her to the hospital. Shes up in a room, with Ross, right now, and the doctor said shes going to have to have the baby sometime today. Im down in the waiting room where Blair works. Yes this is the same hospital Ross was in eight months ago, and yes it did take me a little while to find the place, but eventually I got here. Now all I have to do is wait for Blair.

I sat down in one of the chairs and got on twitter.

@rockyR5: sitting at the hospital waiting for my little niece or nefew to arrive.

After I sent the tweet I got on vine and started watching some videos for about fifteen minutes, until Rydel called.

"Rocky, where are you?" she asked right as I answered the phone. After a few seconds she added, "And Ross?"

"We're both at the hospital."

"Oh my gosh!? Are you ok? What happened? Wheres Ross? Is he ok? You two didnt start fighting again did you? Did you hurt him? Rocky Mark you better not have hurt him! I thought we said no more f--" she started asking me questions so fast I could hardly understand her, until I cut her off.

"Yes, Im fine and Ross is fine too. And no we didnt get into another fight. Its Ashley. She fell and called Ross sometime early this morning, and he woke me up to come take her to the hospital."

"Is Ashley ok?"

"Well the doctor said shes going to have to have the baby sometime today," after I told her this she squealed into the phone.

"Im going to be an aunt! Me and mom are coming. Stand outside the front of the hospital so you can take us up to Ashleys room ok? See you in 20," she said hanging up the phone.

"Bye," I told her even though she couldnt hear me.

I put my phone in my pocket and sat back down. Then Blair walked in with some guy I didnt recognize. I sat there and watched them for a little bit, then they kissed and the guy left. Ok heres my chance.

I got up and walked over to where Blair was, "So was that Jaden?" I asked. Jaden is the guy she started dating the day I left for tour.

"Nope. That was Connor," she told me and I was a little surprised even thought I shouldnt have been. I mean she was flirting with me and dating Connor at the same time.

"So you cheating on Jaden?"

She let out a sigh. "You see Rocky, I usually dont move on this fast but Jaden just wasnt my type. And to tell the truth I dont think Connor is either..."

"Oh," I said as I looked at the ground.

"Rocky I made a mistake when I started dating Jaden. You were the one who I was meant for and I think you still are...But if you dont want to I completely undertand."

Wait. Is she asking me out? "Hold on. Are you asking me out?"

"Like I said if you dont want to I com--"


"What?" she asked looking up at me.

I leaned in and kissed her. "There. Did that make my answer more clear?" I asked with a smile as I pulled away from her. She just smiled, took my hand, and led me down the hallway to a storage room.

Rachels POV

I opened the door to Ashleys hospital room to find Ashley laying in the bed, asleep, and Ross sitting next to her on his phone. "So?" I asked walking all the way into the room and sitting down on the little couch, next to Ross. "Am I an aunt yet?"

"No," Ross said turning off the screen to his phone and looking at Ashley. "Not yet."

I looked from Ross to Ashley then from Ashley to Ross, then down at the floor. Wait. Isnt Rocky supposed to be here too? Oh well. I looked back up at Ross and saw he was trying to hold back tears.

"Im scared Rach," he told me letting a tear fall. "What if the baby's not ok?" he paused for a little bit and just sat there. I sat there too, not knowing what to say. "Its all this Michael guys fault," he said, now anger in his voice. "If he would have never left she probably wouldnt have fell. If it wasnt for him none of this would have ever happened," he said standing up clenching his fists.

"Ross calm down--"

"I bet hes too scared to even show his face. He knows what happened. Ash called him right when she fell, and I texted him off of her phone. What a coward."

"Whoa Ross. You are not going to lay a finger on Michael. Hes Ashleys boyfriend. Let her make her own decisions," I told him and he sat down. We both just sat there, messing on our phones, so I got on twitter.

@rockyR5: sitting at the hospital waiting for my little neice or nefew to arrive.

"Dammit Rocky," I said after reading the tweet.

"What," Ross said looking over at my phone. After he read the tweet his eyes got big. "Shit," he said running his hands through his hair. "We just got that mess all cleaned up."

"I know." After Riker announced to the crowd that Ross is going to be a dad Disney found out, Hollywood Records found out, basically everyone knew. Ross could have been done with everything, because he's only seventeen. But then Riker told Disney, Hollywood Records, tweeted it, facebooked it, instagramed it, that he was only kidding and that the girl that Ross had a crush on was pregnant and Ross wasnt the father. We had just gotten this all cleared up and then Rocky goes and tweets that.

"Wheres Rocky?" Rydel said as she threw the door open, causing Ashley to wake up.

"You saw the tweet?" Ross asked Rydel.

"Yeah. And I told him to wait outside the front doors of the hospital so he could show me mom and Ryland to the room and he didnt."

"Wait what tweet?" Ashley asked sleepily.

"Its nothing Ashley. Just go back to sleep," I told her while the other two were still talking, not so quietly.

"Where mom and Ry?" Ross asked.

"Theyre out in the hallway. The nurses would only let one of us back here," Rydel said leading us both out of the door.

"Ross!" mom said as she gave him a hug. "Is everything ok? Ashleys fine?"

"Yup Ash," he said nodding and looking down at the floor. "S-shes fine. And the baby's fine too," Ross said.

I could tell he was trying not to cry again so I stepped in, "Theyre both fine mom. Ashleys sleeping right now so we should probably stay out here."

"Rach," Ryland said and I looked at him. "How did you get here?"

"Ty dropped me off. He was going to stay but he said he had a family emergency that came up," I said looking at Rydel. She thinks that since Ty and I have been getting into a lot of arguments that we should break up. She says since me and Ty have been friends for so long that it would probably be better to call it off now then to wait and completely ruin our friendship. But me and Ty are fine. We havnt fought in a couple of weeks, so why would I break up with him?


I really didnt know where to end this chapter...Anyways baby Lynch is probably going to be here if not the next chapter then two more chapters. So I have a name for the baby in mind but if one of you guys comments or messages me one that you really like I'll probably use it and maybe even dedicate the chapter that the baby comes in, to you. -Anna :)

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