Chapter 23

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Kelsies POV -- her story

"Night Kels," Ryland said as he put his arm around me.

"Night Ry," I said back as I snuggled up to his chest.

"Ok, Im going to the couch," Ross said from his bed, across the room. He grabbed his pillow and blanket and then left us two alone.

Ryland and I both let out a little giggle once he shut the door. Then I snuggled back up, next to Ryland. A couple of minutes later I heard a soft breathing telling me that my boyfriend was asleep. Rylands my boyfriend. He's the best thing that ever happend to me. Five and a half months ago, when we first met, my whole world changed. But he doesnt even know my whole story. We've only been dating for two months. Should I tell him yet?

Im the baby in my family. About two years ago, when I was in 8th grade, my dad died. We lived in Florida and it was a beautiful day so my family decided to go spend the day at the beach. My dad, my mom, my older brother Connor, and me were all in the car on the way to the beach, when we were in a car accident. My mom, Connor, and I werent hurt that bad, just a few cuts and bruises. But my dad...He didnt make it out so well. My dad had some brain injuries, which caused some mental issues, so my mom filed for divorce.

A few months after the divorce my mom started dating this other guy named Steve, and we ended up moving over to the neighborhood he lived in, because my mom couldnt aford to pay for the house that my dads job could. Steve seemed nice at first but after a few times spending time with him I figured out he was on drugs and had started my mom on them too. My mom ended up losing her job over the drugs and she moved out to Wyoming with my older sister MiKeighla and her boyfriend. Connor and I stayed behind with my dad, and seeing that Connor was 18 he could take care of me. We went to the hospital everyday to visit my dad.

My mom never told Steve that she was leaving so he came over to our house one day and just started beating on Connor. Connor told me to get out and to go get help, but me being a fighter I tried to help Connor and fight off Steve. Him abusing us went on for about four or five more weeks before Connor got tired of it and started abusing me along with Steve. And Steve quit abusing Connor once he found out Connor was abusing me, it was like they were a team. I only stayed for my dad because I thought it was stupid for my mom to divorce him, just because of his condition. Plus I was mad at my mom and didnt want to see her for that reason.

I stayed in Florida for about two more weeks, for my dad. I had to sneak out of the house just to visit him. He could barely talk for I would only stay for a few minutes, also because I didnt want Connor to find out I was gone. But then my dad died. I stayed three more days thinking I can live through this. Im going to graduate high school here. Im going to become strong and be able to defend myself from these two. But I was only in seventh grade. At the end of those three days I called my mom and told her I was going to go live with her and Keighla. And I did. Then I met Bridgette, then Rachel...Well thats practically the whole story up until now.

I have to tell him...But not tonight.

Ross' POV

After I movied to the couch because of Ryland and Kelsie, I had a pretty peaceful night. Dreaming about playing shows, fans, girls, cute girls, cute fans, cute girl fans....And about my future life with Ashley and the baby.

I mean its my baby too, I have to be there for it. Dont I? Yeah Im in a band and on TV and who knows probably movies too, but Im still the dad. Me and Ashley...Sure she has a boyfriend but Im the father to our baby.

I still feel bad for Riker though. I got his girlfriend pregnant, and almost right after they broke up she started dating someone else. But then again Riker got himself another girlfriend, I just dont know her name. I think it might be Megan or something...I dont know...

Anyways...Me and Ashley. She'd break up with Mike, I'd ask her out, by then our little mirical would be here. We'd live in a big house, right off the beach, I'd propose, she'd say yes, and we'd have a couple more kids. Then we would die old and happy, tangled in each others arms. How long has it been since I've watched The Notebook?

I saw my phone light up through my closed eyes, breaking me from my thoughts and dreams. I squinted open my eyes and swiped the lock scream, accepting the incoming call. "Ashley?" I asked tiredly because it was three in the morning.

"R-Ross," she stuttered. I could tell she was trying to hold back tears. Oh Mike better not have hurt her.

"Whats wrong? What did Mike do?" I asked kind of scared myself.

"N-nothing," she stuttered. "I went to the bathroom and was on my way back to bed and I fell and I have pains in my hip and lower stomache,' she said starting to cry. I just sat there taking it all in, and didnt say anything. I came back to reality when Ashley started screaming. "Ross! Im scared. I tried calling Mike but he didnt answer and I have no idea where he is," she said crying again.

"Ashley, listen to me. Just stay where you are and try not to move. Im coming," I said getting up and grabbing some car keys and Ashleys appartment key. I didnt hang up the phone and neither did she. I had my hand on the doornob, ready to leave before I decided to run upstairs and get Riker.

I ran upstairs, slamming Rocky and Rikers bedroom door open, and turned on the light. "Rocky!" I yelled quietly, careful not to wake anyone else. I looked over at Rikers bed and saw that he wasnt there. "Rocky wake up!"

"What?" he asked slowly opening his eyes.

"Ashley fell and is hurt! She needs help!" I yelled trying not to sound scared.

"Ok Im coming," he said grabbing a pair of random converse on the way out the door.


Well its 11:30 at night so sorry if theres spelling errors, but yay chapter 23. I dont even know what to say for this A/N so night! -Anna :)

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