Chapter 15

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Maddys POV

"This is my cousin," a voice said. I couldnt quite recognize the voice or the face.

"Hi," a different voice said. I just stood there staring at the second person.

"So who wants to play some football?" a third voice said. I recognized this voice from somewhere, I know I have heard it not too long ago...

"Let's go!" voice number one yelled. Me and the second voice followed the other two.

"Ok so cousins vs siblings?" the third voice asked. I know Ive heard that voice from somewhere.

"Yeah sure," the first voice agreed.

I walked to the one side of the field with, im assuming, my brother. But wait I dont have a brother....The next thing I knew I was on the ground with one of the guys I was with on top of me.

"Oh my gosh Rae are you alright?" the third voice asked. There person that had tackled me got off. "I thought I told you to go easy on her," I think it was my "brother" scolding one of the other boys.

"She told me that she was fine," the frist voice said back.

I felt eyes watching me and looked around to find the second kid looking at me. What a creep.

And just like that the dream was gone.

later that day

I was sitting in choir class, next to Kelsie, trying to figure out a way to bring up Ryland being my brother. She'd probably just think I was a creep. I saw there was a spark between Kelsie and Ryland, so if she didnt think I was a creep, then she would probably think I was trying to take him away from her.

I finally built up the courage to say something. "Hey Kelsie? Can I tell you something?"

"Yeah sure. Go ahead," she looked at me giving a little smile.

"Ok," I looked around the room and it seemed like everyone was watching me. "Can I just text you it?"


I pulled out my phone and typed what I was going to say.

Me: Ok so this is probably going to sound a little weird but...I think I might be Rylands sister. He told me after the concert that his sister was missing and that I kind of looked like her. Plus I cant remember hardly before my concussion and anything I do remember doesnt really make sense to where I am now.

I hit send. A few seconds later I heard Kelsies notification go off and she looked at her phone, read the message, then started typing.

Kels: Really?! Because he told me the same thing. Well about you being his sister not me. And I think you might be his sister, but Ive known your mom my whole life and she doesnt seem like the kind of person who would kidnap someone...

I read her message then started typing back.

Me: I know...I dont know what to think. I need to--

"Miss Maddy is that a phone I see?" the choir teacher asked me, even though she already knew the answer. "Hand it up," she said holding out her hand.

I walked up to the front of the class room and handed in my phone. So much for that. I turned back to the class and looked at Kelsie who was mouthing the word 'sorry' to me. I sat down in my seat next to her and continued on with the rest of the class trying not to think about any of it.

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