Chapter 19

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Rachels POV

I took deep breath before I walked into Ryland and Ross' room. Ok hopefully this works, I thought. I walked into and looked around. Good Ross is nowhere to be found.

Ryland was laying down on his bed with his hands behind his head, looking up at the ceiling. "What?" he asked looking over at me.

"Here," I said holding out two plane tickets and a paper that had address information on it.

He took the the tickets and paper from me and looked at it then back up at me. "Whats this for?" he asked me. Seems like he didnt read the paper.

"Its plane tickets to go to Wyoming," I told him. "And the paper has Kelsies address on it. I want you to talk to her again. Shes really upset without you," I said looking down at the floor.

Ryland stood up and threw the tickets down on the bed, and got up in my face. "Ok. One dont worry about my love life. And two how is this supposed to even work with mom and dad?"

"Ok back off," I said lightly pushing him away from me. "Mom and dad wont find out about it. Your only going to be gone for a day and youll be back in time for the concert, they wont even know youre gone. And if they do ask where you are I'll cover for you."

"Right because thats going to work," he said rolling his eyes.

"You covered for me when I was gone so why cant I cover for you?" I asked him, crossing my arms.

"Because they wont believe you," he paused for a couple seconds. "Do you know how the last time I tried talking to her went? I tried talking her back into me, we kissed, then she pushed me out the door. Just forget it," he said walking and putting his hand on the door before I stopped him.

"Please Ry? Shes my best friend and youre my brother. I cant stand to see you both this upset," I told him giving him a puppy dog face. Now he'll have to say yes, I thought.

He turned to walk out the door and I thought I had lost him, but then he turned back to me. "Fine," he said before walking out of the room. Yes! I thought doing a little happy dance.

"What are you doing?" Ross asked. He had just walked into the room and was now giving me a confused look.

"Oh nothing," I said quickly grabbing the papers off of Rylands bed, and walking out the door.

Rydels POV

"Haha. This is so cute," I said smiling at my phone. I quickly replied to the picture tweet, then moved on to other fans tweets.

"What?" Riker asked leaned over and trying to get a better look at my phone.

"This," I said pulling the picture back up and showing him. It was a drawing of me and him in cartoon form.

"Haha," was all he said, then continued watched the Broncos game.

I looked up again to see Ryland and Rachel both walking across the room and to the front door kind of in a hurry. "Where are you two going?" I asked them.

"Um," Ryland said looking at Rachel with big eyes.

"Um," Rachel started then paused. "We're going," she paused again. "We're going to go play football with Ty and Jakob," she finished kind of nervously.

"Wait. I thought you broke up with Jake?" I asked her.

"Yeah well. Who says we cant still be friends?" she asked back harshly then walking out the front door with Ryland closely behind her.

"What was that all about?" I asked turning to Riker who still had his eyes on the TV.

"No clue."

"Hey guys," Ross said walking into the room and sitting in the chair that was next to Riker. Once Ross sat down Riker got up and left the room. "Whats his problem?"

"He's still mad at you," I said not even bothering to look up at him. I was still kind of mad at him too, but I wasnt saying anything because I'm glad everyone is safe and back home.

"Oh," was all he said. He looked kind of confused. "Where's Rocky?"

I sighed. Really? Does he not even talk to any of his brothers anymore? "Rocky's in his room. He's still upset about Blair dating another guy while she was flirting with him, so I wouldnt talk to him right now. Besides he's still mad at you and dont ask me why because Im not even sure I know."

"Ok. Im staying over night at Alison's," I told him as I got up off the couch. I put my phone in my pocket and started to head up the stairs.

"Wait!" Ross yelled after me. I turned around and gave him a look to keep talking. "I havnt seen Ty in a while. Is it ok if I come?" I asked adding a smile at the end.

"Wha- its girls night Ross," I told him crossing my arms.

"Please? I'll be with Ty the whole time. And I promise I wont hit on Alison and interrupt you while your going your girly things," he finished giving me a puppy dog look.

No do not give into him Rydel, I told myself. Remember the last time you brought him with you? He hit on Alison and when she finally got the courage to tell him how she feels about him he just ignored her and started hitting on one of her other friends. Which made Ali leave and you have to go chase after her. But that puppy dog face...I dont know he'll be home alone and he doesnt need to do any more stupid things than hes already done. "Fine," I said giving in. "But if you did what you did last time I swear Ross."

"I told you I wont."

"Ok. Let me go pack a bag and then we'll leave," I said finishing the rest of my way up the stairs.


Um I really dont have anything to say about this one. What do you guys think? -Anna :)

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