Chapter 3

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Rachels POV

When I got to the corner I kept running. I didnt look back to see if Jakob was chasing after me. I didnt know where I was going, I just took my feet as fast as I could. I was on the track team at school so I was a pretty good runner. When I couldnt run any further I looked down to find myself standing in sand. Obviously I was at a beach I just didnt know which one.

I walked over to the edge of the water and sat down. I figured I'd watch the sun set the probably head back home. I was glad that I was away from all the drama but what all happened today wouldnt stop running through my mind.

I was mad at Ryland for getting into mine and Jakobs business and watching us all the time. But at the same time I was mad at Jake for saying that he wanted to kill Ry. Maybe Rydel is right. Maybe Jake is trying to hurt me and Ryland is just trying to protect me from him.

Rylands POV

I walked into the living room where Ross was watching Romeo And Juliet. He is obsessed with that movie. I mean its ok but its not my type of movie. Ross just gets way too into it and watches it over and over again.

"Your watching this again?" I asked him.

"Yeah. Why?" he answered back giving me a blank look. I just shook my head, and headed towards Rocky and Rikers room.

Rocky was playing black ops and Riker was...well I dont know exactly what Riker was doing. Rocky paused his game and turned to look at me. "Whatsup little bro?"

"Oh nothing I--"

"Hey have any of you guys seen Rachel?" Rydel said cutting me off as she walked into the room.

"No why?" Riker asked her as he sat up on his bed. Rocky unpaused the game and started playing again.

"Well I figured I'd take her to the mall or something and cheer her up a bit."

"Why? What happened to her?" Riker asked.

Rydel gave me a "why dont you explain look", so i decided I better say something. "Rachel and Jakob were about to kiss and...i stopped them.

"And now shes gone?" Riker asked me.

"Well obviously she's not here."

"Im going to go try and find her. Do you know where she went?" Rydel asked.

"No," I answered looking down at the ground. Rydel turned and walked out of the room. "Wait I'll come with you!" Riker yelled following her. I was about to leave too, then Rocky stopped me.

"Say Ry?" Rocky said still looking at the TV screen. "Why'd you stop them?"

"I..." I tried to find words to explain. "I dont think Jake is the right guy for her." Rocky paused his game and looked at me again. "Look I know you dont want to see her get hurt, but if she likes him you just got to let them be."

Rachels POV

The sun was just about set when my phone bzzed in my jacket pocket. I looked to see who it was. Two new messages. One was from earlier, when I was too angry to talk to anybody, and one from just now. I opened the first one.

Rydel: Hey!  Want to go to the mall and do some shopping? My treat! :)

I was just about to reply when I remember I had one more message to check. This one was from Riker.

Riker: Where are you at?

Me: The beach why?

I was about to hit send when it all flooded back to me. Why I was at the beach. Not the beach in particular but why I had ran. There was a car driving by and voices shouting.

"Rachel!" I heard someone yell and recognized who it was, Riker. I stood up, the sun had just set so hopefully it was dark enough for them not to see me. I turned and started walking away. I looked back to see that the car had turned aroud, then I ran. I stopped behind a little snack shack. I peered around the corner to see where the car was. Gone.

I sat down and leaned against the side of the shack. Might as well stay here for the night. I closed my eyes and soon drifted off to sleep.

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