Chapter 13

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Jakobs POV

Rachel, Rachel, Rachel....What am I going to have to do to force you back to me?

I always knew Ty had a thing for Rachel. I mean we're cousins and he tells me everything. Well he used to tell me everything up until he became friends with Ryland. And he only became friends with Ryland so he could get Rachel to like him back. He didnt exactly tell me that but who just becomes friends with Ryland Lynch? I mean that kid didnt even talk to anyone when he first moved here!

Oh Rachel. You really think its going to be that easy to break up with me. You may have been hiding from me in the past month but that doesnt mean i cant find you. You're making a stupid choice of running from me, because in the end I. Always. Win. And I think I have just the plan that will make you mine again.

Rockys POV

Another day, which meant another show, which meant meet and greets, and more pictures. "Hey arnt you the three girls from last night?" I asked as I saw the girls from last nights familiar faces walked up to us.

"Yup," one of the girls answered smiling big. I think her name was Bridgette, I cant remember.

"Wait what?!? What do you mean last night?" Rydel asked all of us guys.

"Me Rocky and Ryland met these girls last night when we were walking around, and then we all went and got some ice cream." Ross said pulling two of the girls towards him, meaning that he wanted them to stand next to him for the picture.

"Where's Ryland at?" I think Kelsie asked, looking around trying to spot him.

"He's setting stuff up right now," Ross answered. "Ok lets do this!" he yelled putting his arms around the two girls.

"But I want to stand next to Riker," Bridgette said taking Ross' arm off of her and walking over to Rikers side. Ross made a frown as he watched her walk over to him.

"No one wants to stand next to me," Ellington said fake pouting, and crossing his arms trying to make himself look mad.

"Aw, I'll stand next to you bro," I said walking over to him, giving him a hug.

"Me too," Kelsie and Rydel both said walking over, wrapping their arms around us.

 I looked over at Maddy who was standing inbetween Ross and RIker. Now that I think about it she kinda does look like Rachel. But im sure there are lots of other people that look like her. I mean it cant be her, can it?

 Rylands POV

It was after the concert and I couldnt find Kelsie anywhere. I had been looking around the whole place for the last 15 minutes. We were leaving to go onto the next show and all I wanted to do was say goodbye. I mean who knows how long it will be before I see her again, but maybe she already left. And then I saw Maddy.

"Hey Rach! Rachel!" I yelled but she still didnt turn around. I rolled my eyes knowing that that wasnt going to work. "Maddy!" I yelled and this time she turned around. "Do you know where Kelsie is?" 

"No I havnt seen her. Sorry."

I turned and headed the other way still trying to find her then stopped myself and turned back to "Maddy". "Maddy I need to talk to you. Follow me." I took her over to a little spot backstage where I was sure no one was going to hear us. "Ok this is going to sound a little weird but..." I took a deep breath, here goes nothing. "So since you're not a big fan you probably dont know who my sister Rachel is but," I paused looking at her. She had a blank expresstion on her face and was probably waiting for me to continue. "You see Rachel kind of ran away a couple weeks ago. I told my parents that she said she didnt want to go on tour with the rest of us and that she was going to stay at a friends house while we are gone, so they dont know that she's missing. All of my siblings know and I told them to keep quiet about it. But reason why she's missing is because I really dont like her boyfriend, Jakob," I said his name hoping that she would remember something.

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