Chapter 26

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Rachels POV

I was sitting on the couch next to Kelsie, turning my phone screen off and on. "What are you doing," Kelsie asked giving me a weird look.

I looked around the room then back at her, "Nothing." I havent seen Ty at all ever since he dropped me off at the hospital. Ive tried calling and texing him but none of that has worked.

Ever since Ryland and Kelsie got back together things have been kind of awkward between us. Both Kelsie and Ry. Ive been spending the last few days either with Rydel, school, or over at Ashleys, helping her take care of Charlotte. Rocky has been spending most of his time with Blair, Ross has been helping out with Charlotte between filming Austin and Ally, and Riker has been Riker has been spending time with his new girlfriend, Megan. I can tell hes trying to make Ashley jealous, but his plan isnt working out very well.

Just then Ryland came through the front door with a smile on his face and a football in his hand. His smile disappeared once he saw Kelsie and me. Then he put his head down and walked into the kitchen. Kelsie and I stared at each other for a few seconds before she got up and followed him. I love how my old best friend turned my own brother against me. After a few minutes of just sitting there I got up and went into the kitchen with them.

Ryland was sitting down at the table with his phone out and Kelsie was standing behind him with her arms around his neck. They were both looking at the phone and smiling about something. "What?" I asked and they both looked up at me.

"Nothing," Kelsie said taking her arms from Ryland. I could tell she was trying to mimic what I told her earlier. She walked over and leaned against the island.

"Ryland can I ask you something?" I asked switching my weight to my other leg.

"Sure," he answered standing up. I looked over at Kelsie and waited for her to leave, and apparently Ryland got the memo. "Rach anything you want to ask me Kelsie can know too."

"Fine," I said a little angrily. I really didnt want Kelsie knowing about my personal life at the moment but whatever. "Have you talked to Ty lately?"

"No." I could tell he was lying because he wasnt a very good liar.

"Come on Ry. I havnt talked to or seen him in almost a week. Please tell me where he is?" I asked giving him a puppy dog look. This one always works on him. I saw Kelsie roll her eyes at me out of the corner of my eye.

Ryland let out a sigh, looked at the ground, and then back up at me. "No," he told me with a serious face. I was a little shoked that my puppy dog face didnt work. "Im not telling you anything. Not until you two work this little problem youve got going on here," he said pointing to Kelsie and I.

Kelsie looked at Ryland and then at me with big eyes and a confused look. Ryland put his phone in is jean pocket and then left me and Kelsie alone.

Both of us just stood in silence for a while until I decided to be the bigger person and say something. "I want my brother back," I said looking at her and she looked up at me.


"Ever since you and Ry got back together youve just turned him against me. We used to be really close and youve just pulled him away. Not just from me but the whole family."

"Well excuse me. Youre the one who lost her memory and couldnt even remember who her own brothers were when she saw them in person and they called her by her actual name."

"You know what, Im sorry that I ever sent Ryland to go win you back. I should have never done that!"

"Well Im glad you did because Ryland is the best thing thats ever happened to me! You may not thank it but you dont know my whole story Rachel! You dont even know half of it!"

"Kelsie! Your life is perfect! You have a boyfriend who loves you and an Aunt who cares about you. But youre using Ryland and thats not fair to him."

"Come on Rach. How blind are you? Youre the one with the perfect life. You have a boyfriend who loves you." Loved you mean, I thought. He hasnt said a word to me since last week. "You have a family who love you and everyone at school just adores you." Only because most of my siblings are in a band, I wanted to yell back. "My aunt is most likely at a bar getting drunk and probably doesnt know or care where I am."

"Then why would you stay here? Why wouldnt you go back to Wyoming with your mom and sister?" I asked her. She opened her mouth to say something but then stoped. "You know what just save it. Im going to go tell Ryland that your using him because its pretty obvious that you are," I said as I headed towards the doorway.

"If you tell him that I'll tell him about you talking with Jakob again," she said back and I stopped right in my tracks. Yes I had been talking with Jakob these past few weeks. Nothing was going on between us we are just friends. I turned around and looked at her then stormed out of the kitchen, through the living room, and right out the front door right into Ellington.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," he said catching me before I fell off the front step. "Whats going on?"

I sighed and sat down on the step. I cant tell him everything can I? Yes you can Ellintons been like a brother to you for the past six years. "I just want my family back to how it was before," I said resting my chin on my knees.

"I know how you feel," Ell said rubbing my back. "I havnt got to spend near as much time with you guys as I used to ever since all of this girlfriend/boyfriend and baby stuff came up."

"So why are you here?" I asked looking over at him. "What? Cant I guys just come over to play some video games with his best friends?" he asked trying to sound hurt but I know he was just joking.

"I suppose so," I said, rolling my eyes with a smile. "Who are you playing with?"

"Rocky and Ryland. Wanna join?"

"Heck yeah!" I yelled putting my arms up with excitement. Its been a while since Ive played video games with the guys. Rydel really wasnt into it but I was. When I was younger my brothers and Ell would always beat me but as I got older I started kicking all their butts.

I opened the door to find Kelsie sitting on the couch on her phone and watching some TV. Loser, I thought as I lead the way the stairs.


I know its been a while since Ive updated this and Im sorry about that. I had basketball games and school, then I wasnt really feeling the best, plus I had writers block on top of that. But the chapter is up so yay! And the world tour started today kicking off in Poland. I dont know why I say kickoff because thats for football but hey looks like I just made if for the start of tours too! Hope you liked it -Anna :)

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