Chapter 5

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Sorry it took so long since I last updated. I was on vacation for a week and didnt have the time. But hopefully this chapter makes up for it :)


Rylands POV

I was sitting outside the school waiting for Rocky to come and get me. I told him I wasnt feeling the best but actually I just wanted to get away from Ty. He had been asking me about Rachel all day, or at least for the past two hours. Turns out he missed her, even though theres nothing going on between them. Hopefully she had come home while I was at school because I couldnt keep lying to Ty. Gosh what is taking Rocky so long. Maybe I should go try and find her. I mean Riker and Del didnt but maybe I can. Oh come on Ryland your the one who scared her away. I picked up my bag and started walking home. I figured I could walk home faster than Rocky could driver here.

I was walking home kicking a rock just thinking about stuff. Football, the band going on tour (oh yeah R5 is going on tour next week and Im supposed to go with them), Amber (just a girl from school that I might possibly like), if I should stop kicking this rock, and where Rachel might be.

I heard a bang and a crash and looked up to see what had happened. I looked up to see a car had crashed into another one that was crossing the intersection. The car that crashed into the one crossing looked familiar. Wait!

"Rydel!" I said dropping everything and running to where the crash had happened. "Rydel!" I was now trying to open the passenger side door. It was locked. I found a good sized rock and threw it at the already cracked window.

"Ross!" I yelled noticing that Rydel was no where in the car. There was some glass in the car from when the windshield shattered. I looked back at Ross who had blood on his face. I looked down at the floor to find his phone which the sun was reflecting off of right into my eyes. I picked up the phone and surprisingly it turned on. I looked through his last messages.

Rocky: Hey I dont know where you are but can you pick up Ry from school? He says hes not feeling good.

This is all my fault. If I would have just stayed at school none of this would ever had happened. I looked back at Ross and let a tear role down my cheek. I should have been the one in the wreck. I should be the one missing. Then I felt hands on my shoulders and I was being pulled away from the car.

Rachels POV

I woke up to a bright shining sun and the sound of waves crashing against the sand. There was a few people walking, but not much. Probably the early risers. I stood up and started walking around on the beach. After a while I got bored and decided it was time I head home. I pulled out my phone to check the time. 11:30?! Crap I've already missed the first half of school. I started walking quickly to try and make it to the last half.

I'll go home, change my clothes, grab something to eat the head off. I smelt the hoodie I had on. Ew, and probably take a quick shower too. My phone made a ping which mean I had a new message, so I checked to see who it was from.

Ryland: I dont know where you are but Ross is in the hospital. So just please come home.

I put my phone back in my pocket and continued on my way. I was about a block away from my house when I felt something hard against my head and I was knocked to the ground.

Rockys POV

We walked through the front hospital doors and in 'we' I mean Rydel, mom, and I. "Here you guys go wait over there and I'll find out where Ross' room is," I said pointing to a little waiting room area.

I walked towards the front desk where a red headed lady was standing. She looked kind of young and I wasnt sure if she was actually a worker. I waited a minute the continued the rest of the way to the desk area.

The red headed lady looked up from the papers in her hands and saw me. She was actually kind of cute. "May I help you with anything?" she asked walking up to me.

"Uh yeah. My brother he was in a car accident. Can you show us where his room is?" I asked pointing back to my mom and Rydel.

"Sure.Whats his name?" she asked walking over to her computer.

"Ross. Ross Lynch."

I felt a hand on my arm and turned to find Rydel standing next to me. "Did you figure it out yet?" she asked me.

"Uh--" I was just about to answer when the red headed lady answered for me.

"Ok. To get to your brothers room your going to take this elevator up to the third floor. Your going to turn left and walk the rest of the way down that hallway then you'll take another left and his room will be the fith door on the right. Which is room 327."

"Ok thanks!" Rydel said heading towards the elevators.

I turned around to look at, Blair is what her name tag said, and gave her a little wave. Then followed my mom and Rydel.

It took a while but we finally found Ross' room. We walked in to find Ross laying in the hospital bed, I was hoping he was just asleep. He had a few blood spots on his face. I looked over at Ryland who was sitting in a chair with his face in his hands. He looked up at us and you could tell he had been crying. Then he walked out of the room.

I followed him out to find him standing at the window looking into the room. A tear was rolling down his face. I walked over and stood next to him and looking in the window at the other three. Mom was talking to a nurse, Rydel was standing next to the bed looking up at the tubes that went into Ross's arm, and Ross was well...

"So you saw it happen?" I finally asked Ryland breaking the silence.


I looked over at him. "You know its not your fault. Its mine. Im the one who asked him to get you from school instead of doing it myself."

"But none of this would have happened if I would have just stayed at school."

"No. None of this would have happened if he wouldnt have been texting and driving. And if I would have went and got you." He looked over at me then back to the window. "Come on lets go back in the room," I said putting my arm around his shoulder and leading him inside.

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