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Trans male! Nico bc I have no shame
Will, Austin, and Kayla were setting the infirmary up for the day, and Will was supprised when Nico suddenly shadow traveled into the room.

Besides the fact that it was five in the morning and Nico didn't wake up until at least ten, he was also very concerned to see the tears welling in his eyes.

"Nico?" He asked, putting the gauze in his hands on the desk in front of him and walking over to where Nico was stumbling from his magic, "Nico, what happened? What's wrong?"

Nico seemed oblivious to Austin and Kayla, who had also stopped to look, as Will grabbed either side of his face.

"Will," he said, sounding as panicked as he looked, "Will I think I'm dying."

"W-What? Nico," he frowned, his hands sliding down to his shoulders.

"Will," he whined desperately, "Will my stomach has been hurting all day yesterday, and I woke up this morning and it hurt so much it made me throw up and my back is killing me and my head and- and when I went to the bathroom there was blood in my pants."

Will sighed, and Nico started crying.

"Okay, c'mon," Will grabbed Nico's hand, pulling him into one of the back rooms and sitting him down on the cot, and then sitting on the stool in front of the bed himself.

"Look," Nico quickly stands up, dropping his sweat pants.

"Oh, gods, Nico," he said, quickly looking the other way.

"No, Will!" He sobbed, "Will I changed this morning and there's more blood, please help me, Will, just look-" Will sighed, looking up at the ceiling.

"Babe, please pull your pants up," he heard a small whine from Nico and the shuffling of cloth.

"Will, I'm dying," he seemed convinced, and Will slowly looked at him, glad to see he wasn't still half naked (not that he would complain if he was).

"Nico, I promise you, you aren't dying. You're- Nico have you ever heard of a period? Or mensuration?"  Nico wiped at his eyes, shaking his head, "Okay, well first of all, you aren't dying, I promise," he grabes Nico's hands, and Nico sniffles. Will frowns, "you know I'm surprised this is your first one, I'm assuming it's your first one, I mean, you are fifteen."

"Will," Nico whines, "what's happening?"

"Okay, basically, your on your period right now. It's going happen every month for a week, maybe shorter maybe longer, but it's your uterus shedding the lining it was preparing for a child, but obviously you aren't pregnant. That also explains your back hurting and your stomach, while mensturating your pelvis actually expands (I saw that somewhere, it's probably wrong), there are different levels of pain, I guess, it sucks that yours is so bad," Nico's bottom lip quivers at the information.

"Have you had yours yet?" He asks, and Will frowns.

"Well, no, it's-" he pauses, than, "it's for people that have a uterus." Nico pouts.

"It's for girls, you mean."

"No, Nico that's not what I mean."

"Whatever," Nico sighs, "what am I supposed to do? The blood would go through my pants."

"Yeah, hold on a second," Will walked to the bathroom connected to the room and grabbed a small stack of pads, then walked back to the room with Nico, "Okay, these are pads, and they go in your boxers to catch the blood." He then showed Nico how to open them and properly put it on. He also gave Nico some medicine to make the pain lessen.

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