Do you love me?

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(This isn't the one shot I talked about in the chapter above, it was taking really long to make an I wanted to give you guys a lil' somethin')
{This was inspired by a Klance picture where kieth asked Lance if he loved him and Lance hesitated and Kieth started crying because he knew it was over okay get prepared to hurt}

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Nico and Will had been dating for two years now, and Nico was amazed about how fast one could fall in love. How you depended on one person to make you happy and how you needed them in your daily routine and how you could miss them so much if they were gone no more than an hour.

That's why, as they neared there third year anniversary, he ignored how Will started distancing himself more and more. How he was always smiling down at texts on his phone, how he spent less and less nights with Nico and how he gave half hearted kisses and how he said 'I love you' less.

His head screamed to end it before Will did but his heart screeched for him to cherish what he had left.

He loved Will. He loved Will with every molecule in his body and he would be torn if they split apart.

That's why he stayed, trying to convince Will that he was good enough and who ever was calling him at 2am to come over wasn't.

But he knew he was failing miserably by the way Will often hid away in the bathroom when his phone dinged with a new text sometimes and how he made excuses for the small bruises on his neck that looked way to much like hickeys for Nico's liking.

And Nico supposes he shouldn't have given his hopes up when one day he and Will started making out, thinking he had won Will back over. Because when Will's phone dinged with another cursed text, he broke the kiss rather quickly to check what it said.

Nico bit his lip.

"Do you love me?" He asked quietly. Will looked at him, hesitating, and quickly looked away again.

"Yes, Nico. I love you." Nico gave a mirthless chuckled as a tear slipped from his eye.

"A-Am I that easy to lie to?" he looked down, his bangs blocking his view from Will.

"I'm not lying, Nico. I love you, okay?"

"No you don't. You don't love me so stop saying you do!" He took a deep breath, "You're cheating on me."

"No, Nico-"

"Then give me your phone." Will went silent, clutching his phone a bit tighter, "P-Please Will just let me see your phone. Just let me believe that you love me and that your not going to leave me, please." More tears fell when he remained quiet and still. He stood up, still hiding his face with his bangs, and grabbed Will's jacket to hand it it to him, "Y-You should leave."

"Nico, I swear I never meant to hurt you. I didn't want to cheat on you-"

"Then why did you? Why didn't you just end it between us instead of making a fool out of me?" He was silent.

"How. . . How long?" Nico whispered. Will didn't answer, so Nico repeated his question louder, close to a shout.

"A few months after we started dating," Will said quietly, looking away from Nico as he started crying harder.

"W-When you said you loved me, d-did you ever mean it?" And, once again, the silence that fell after the question had Nico sobbing harder than he thought possible.


"Please, Nico, I'm sorry-"

"Leave." Will stared at Nico with a soft expression for a second, before hesitantly standing up and grabbing the jacket from Nico.

"You really do deserve better than me, Nico. And I really am sorry," he said softly, before walking out of Nico's apartment.

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On a happier note: (smol domestic Solangelo living together)

Nico: Will, do you love me?
Will: Yes.
Nico: And you would do anything for me, right?
Will: Of course.
Nico: Good, could you go get me ice cream?
Will: *Rolls eyes but gets ice cream and eats it in front of Nico while Nico wails about how mean Will is* (He eventually lets Nico have some of his ice cream)

He next chapter is going to be fluff, I have the cutest idea 😂😂♥️
(Words: 738)

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