Nightmares and Arguments

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This isn't a prompt but I got this idea and couldn't contain myself haha whoops.

😡  😥  😡  😢  😡  😢  😡  😢

Six years Will and Nico had been dating, and this certainly wasn't the first argument they have had.

But, this is the first time Will had gotten so frustrated that he had to leave the apartment, and at three in the morning no less.

Nico often got nightmares, there's no hiding that, and there normally   the same old, same old. Those nightmares were no biggie and he told Will every last detail of the dream.

There are some dreams, though, that really shake him up and he's already crying before he's even awake. And he usually tells Will about those as well. Usually.

And there were some, were Nico just couldn't. He refused to talk about them, he refused to think about them, he simply refused the dream.

These dreams got Will a bit annoyed. How was he supposed to help Nico if he didn't tell him what was going through his mind?

This one, though, the dream he had tonight, with Nico sitting up so fast he heard something pop, and  sobs were racking through his body with no mercy and his entire body shaking as if he were in the middle of an earthquake?

Will wanted answers, and Nico wasn't giving them to him.

"Why can't you just tell me, Nico!"

"Because I- Because I don't want to think- think about it right now! Can't I- I tell you later?" Nico sobbed.

"No, you can't tell me later! You always say that, and later never comes!"

And Nico didn't answer. He wanted to answer, but he couldn't, so he looked down instead, feeling guilty. Normally, this is where the fight would end. Will would see that Nico had gone mute and he would sigh, say an apology, and the two would snuggle, Nico giving small kisses to Will as a form of his own apology since he was unable to talk.

But, instead- "Of course," Will growled quietly, "of course you'd go mute right now. How fucking convenient for you."

Nico shrunk in on himself, the tears still dripping off his chin. He just want to say the words that were so thick on his tounge but he couldn't and he hates himself so much for it.

And then Will stood up from the bed, putting on shoes and a shirt, them grabbing his keys and phone from the nightstand.

"I'm gonna go drive around a bit, I'll be back later," he muttered. Which made Nico cry harder, desperately wanting to apologize and ask Will not to leave, but he just couldn't, so he sat there crying as he heard the faint click of the front door of their apartment.

And he didn't want to do anything, because he was scared, mostly because his dream was happening in real life.


Nico's plan was to write everything he wanted to say when Will got back. He already had everything written out.

But, as he thought about it at the kitchen table - he looks at the clock again, it's seven, Will's been gone for four hours - he doesn't know how good of an idea it really is.

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