Will's Parents

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Attention: This chapter will have mentions of depression, self harm, and attempted suicide. Please, read with caution if these subjects make you uncomfortable.


(( Mortal AU ))




"When are we going to meet them?"

"Tomorrow," Will muttered quietly.

"Tomorrow! And you're only telling me now?!" I yelled, rushing to our shared room so I could start packing. Will sighed, following me.

"How long are we staying?" I asked.

"Four days."

"Where do they live again?"

"Texas." I looked over at Will.

"You mean to tell me," Will hesitantly met my gaze, "That you waited weeks to let me know that we are flying from New York to Texas."



"Well," he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, "They kind of, sort of, may or may not know that I'm gay and have had a boyfriend the past five years?"

"Oh my gods, Will, I swear-"

"It's not that bad."

"They didn't know I existed!"

"Technically, they still don't know. I said I had someone I wanted them to meet and they assumed it was a girl. . "

"Solace, I have an apartment with you! Shouldn't your parents have, at the very least, heard about me before?!" He just shrugged. I walked over to Will, abandoning the suitcase, and dropped my head onto his chest.

"You're a jerk." His hand came up and started playing with my hair. It was oddly relaxing.

"I'm sorry." I took a deep breath.

"What if. . What if your parents don't approve of us?"

"They'll get over it," though I heard the doubt in his voice, I decided to ignore it.


"How much further?" I asked anxiously.

"Few minutes." We had landed a few hours ago, with our bags in the trunk of the car, Will drove us to his old house. We would be staying there, depending on how dinner goes.

If they accepted the idea of there son being in a same sex relationship, we would, obviously, stay. But, if they didn't accept it, we would get a hotel an enjoy Texas the next four days.

Mr. And Mrs. Solace were already at the restaurant, waiting for our arrival. We were planning on dropping our things off at Will's house before going so we could get dressed appropriately for a fancy restaurant.


Nico didn't dress up often. Only on special occasions.

Seeing him in nice (black) dress pants and in a white button up with a tie, was definitely, to say the least, kind of sexy.

I told him so, in a fruitless attempt to calm his nerves, at the house, in the car, and at the front door of the restaurant. Though I'd never admit out loud, my nerves were crazy as well.

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