Airport (2)

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Okay this chapter is where opinions start to differ, so I have two rules.

1) No bullying anyone, please respect each other's opinions even if you don't like it.

2) if this topic honestly offends you, please just do not read the chapter. You don't want to put yourself through that.

This chapter deals with abortion, and I also know that this can be a sensitive topic for some people, so if it makes you uncomfortable or anything, read with caution <3

Also, I'm not sure how accurate the information in here is. I did a bit a research and I read that gynecologist preform abortions but I also read that they didn't, so I apologize in advance.

Also I should probably delete all the abortion questions on my search history


Nico curled in on himself as he cried, and he really wanted to call Will, but he knew Will was going to be in class, thus he wouldn't answer.

He wanted to hear Will's voice though, he wanted Will to tell him that it was going to be okay. He wanted more then anything to be in Will's warm, safe embrace.

Nico lets out another sob. He really misses Will.

He must not have been as quiet as he thought he was, because Jason was knocking on his door. Nico picked his head up, taking the test and the box and shoving it into the bedside drawer he kept more personal stuff in. He rubbed at his eyes, but it didn't stop the tears from spilling.

"Nico?" Jason asked, voice muffled by the door. Nico hummed in reply, not trusting his voice to talk. There was a pause, then, "Are you okay?"

"M'fine," Nico mumbles. Jason sighs behind the door.

"You know you can talk to me if you need to, right?" He says, and Nico nods.


"Okay," Jason sighs, and Nico hears him walk away. He squeezes his eyes shut, wiping at his eyes again.

It's okay, he tells himself, everything is going to be okay. He going to talk to Will, and then they're going to figure out what to do next.

It calms him some, but he still feels panicky and his eyes are still hot with tears. He gripped at his hair and groaned. He can't be crying about this- not when he has two nosy roommates.

He takes a shuddering breath, grabbing his phone and earbuds, listening to music to distract himself.

The songs that starts playing is King of The Clouds, and Nico sighs as he lays on his bed, letting his eyes close as the music blares in his ears.

It's calming, and he can't help as he slowly drifts to sleep.


He wakes up to someone shaking his shoulder. He blinks, seeing Percy's face above him.

It takes him a moment to register the music playing, but when he does, he takes the earbuds from his ears.

"Hey, you okay?" He asks, making Nico frown. He nods tough, running a hand through his hair as he yawns. Percy gives him a look, clearly not believing him, and Nico wonders if Jason told him about earlier.

He decides not to worry about it for now.

"Will asked me to tell you to call him," Percy says, he paused then, "He seemed kind of. . off," He looks down at Nico, who checks his phone, seeing tons of missed calls and texts. Percy frowns, "Is everything okay? Did something happen?" Nico glances up at him.

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