The Fun Club

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I am doing a part two of 'Missed You' and sorry, since school started again I've had less time writing, which sucks, but yeah. Here's this, it was really fun to write. 👏🏻

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Nico found the Fun Club one night searching the web, and maybe he showed up because it was close by an all he wanted was acceptance.

The first three weeks he went to the lgbtq support group, meetings held on Wednesday and Saterday, he didn't speak, and that was okay. The people there only expected him to show up and listen an accept. He was fine with those arrangements.

He's met a new group of friends through the club: Percy, who's pansexual, Jason, who's gay an asexual, Piper, who's bisexual, Annabeth, who's lesbian, Hazel and Frank who are only straight alliances. Also Will, I sit next to him during the meeting, and he's pansexual.

By Wednesday the fourth week, I want to share. Everyone there is so open - so real - and everyone else is accepting and supportive and no one judges.

And when it's finally my time to talk, I expected to feel anxious, like I'm forced to talk and like talking is some sort of chore, but it doesn't. I knows I have a choice, I know I can stop talking when ever I want and that I don't even have to talk.

Nico takes a deep breath, and starts.

"Hi," he says quietly, which gets a mixture of hello's in response, "I'm Nico Di Angelo, I'm seventeen, despite how short I am," there were a few chuckles, "An I'm gay and transgender," he says quietly, blushing, "My p-parents didn't accept me, or my sister, and no one at my school did either," there were a few nods, and Nico decided to continue, to be as honest with everyone as they have with him, and he swallowed the familiar lump forming in his throat, "I-I came out when I was about thirteen, and shortly after my mom and sister died in a car crash," he looked down at his lap, tears burning his eyes as he clenched his fist, muttering his next sentence quietly, "They died hating me. And for awhile I. . . I didn't see the point in living any more, because I still loved my sister and my mom and no one accepted me for me. My dad pretends I don't even exist and I got- I am bullied at school for being the way I am. No one wants to be friends with me and catch the 'illness'," He mutters sarcastically, "I've- I've cut before. I still do sometimes. But I'm always to scared to do anything beyond than that," he finished, wiping a tear from his cheek.

"You're not alone anymore, Nico," Sandy, the club leader, said with a reassuring smile, "We want to help you. We accept you and we love you. Some of us understand what your going through, and we're all here if you ever need to talk or advise or anything. Don't be afraid to ask, okay?" they're we're a mixture of agreements, and Nico was amazed. He's never been accepted, and now that he was, he felt a wave of emotions go through him. He looked down at his lap, tears sliding down his face with a smile.

"Th-thank you," he said quietly.


As the meeting came to an end, people started talking to one another.

Will came up to him and hugged him without saying anything. And maybe that was for the best because Nico felt a new wave of tears coming.

He buried his head in Will's shoulders an cries, the sobs shaking his shoulders violently. Will didn't mind, he ran his fingers through Nico's hair, holding him until he calmed down.

And when Nico did calm down, he didn't feel embarrassed like he normally would. He felt refreshed, loved, accepted.

"I'm glad you decided to talk to us," Will smiled softly at Nico, and Nico blushed, "It's okay to feel that way, Nico. Everyone feels sad at some point, some people just have it worse than others. The fact that you didn't," he chose his next words carefully, "That you didn't throw it all away shows how strong you are, Nico," he smiled at him again, "I'm proud of you."

Nico looked at him for a second, before he looked down with a furious blush on his face.

"I didn't do anything because I was too scared," he muttered quietly. Will was quiet for a second.

"Well I'm glad you were to scared, because then I couldn't meet you," Nico looked at him uncertainly, "I don't know what it's like to loose a sister and a mother who didn't. . Agree to who I was, but I did loose a brother. His name was Lee, and he was always there for me. . So I have some idea of what your going through. There are people who don't like the way I am, but the group really does help, Nico. No one here wants to hurt you."

Nico nodded, though he already knew that. He figured he wouldn't tell Will that, though. Because the fact that Will wanted to help cheer him up was enough to make him happier than he had in years.


When the meeting was officially over, people started leaving in groups. And after a small chat with Sandy, Will asked if I wanted to get going since we've been carpooling since last week.

An in the car, Will an I made small talk. We slowly pull into my neighborhood, and my smile begins to fade as my house comes into view.

When Will parks, he gives me a concerned look.

"Are you going to be okay?" I nod in response, gathering my jacket. As I'm about to open the doors, he says my name, an I look at him.

For a second, he searches his car until he comes up with a pen and a piece of paper, than he scrawls a series of numbers on it.

"This is my phone number," he states, handing me the paper, "You can text me or call me when ever your down, or when ever you're bored," he smiles, "I'm always up for a nice chat."

I look at the paper in his hand for a second, then at him, than back at the paper as I take it.

Truthfully, this is the only number I would have in my phone besides my dad's, mom's and sister's -dad still pays for Maria's and Bianca's phone because they have their voicemails set up- and hopefully I can add more since I joined the Fun Club.

"Thank you," I say quietly, blushing.

And now Will is leaning in, Nico's eyes goes wide and he blushes even harder, than his hand is gently caressing Nico's cheek and oh my god his lips are mine.

After a second of shock, Nico responds, gently moving his lips against Will's, but he has no idea in hell what he's even doing.

And when Will pulls back, he grinning ear to ear and is blushing furiously and Nico can't help but smile himself.

"Text me, okay?" Will says, still smiling. Nico nods, waves, an exits the car. He watches as Will drives away, then goes inside, knowing he's happy and he can't wait until the next meeting.

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(I feel like that could have been written better towards the end??)

(Words: 1242)

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