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This was an idea I had an I honestly couldn't stop myself oops

(This also is, like, mildly smutty)


Hazel had come for a surprise visit, and she searched around for her brother, but to no avail. She ran into Percy on her search, who had greeted her with a hug.

"It's really good to see you, Hazel," Percy said, pulling back from the hug. Hazel gave him a smile.

"It's good to see you, too. And, do you know where Nico is? I can't find him anywhere."

"Yeah, he's probably in the infirmary. He's been volunteering a lot lately," he said, smiling softly.  He had his suspicions about why Nico was volunteering at the infirmary, usually following around a certain Apollo boy, but he didn't say anything. Hazel nodded.

"I'm going to go say hi-"

"Wait," Percy exclaimed, grabbing her hand as a mischievous grin formed on his lips, "I have a really good idea."

It wasn't long before the two were sitting in the Hades' closet, waiting for Nico to walk in so they could jump out and give him a scare. Hazel was grinning next to Percy, who was shifting stuff around so he could sit.

They talked quietly as they waited, only stopping as they heard the door nob twisting.

Nico feels his face turn a light shade of pink as he leads Will into his cabin, closing the door behind him. Even after a year of dating, them going to Nico's cabin still made him fluster, and maybe it was the implication or simply the old man in him. Still, Nico couldn't find it in himself to care to much as he locked the door behind them.

Will smiled at him as he turned around, and Nico smiled back.

They had been dating for a year, but no one knew they were together. Mostly because of Nico, who was still in the closet, besides a few people who he had told (though of course he didn't tell Jason because he wanted to. Admittedly though, he didn't hate that he knew). It isn't that he didn't want to come out, he was just scared.

Maybe someday he would have the confidence, but for now, he was content to keeping their relationship behind closed doors, and Will didn't give any implantation that he minded.

Nico wrapped his arms around Will's neck, gently pulling him down so he could kiss him. Will smiled against Nico's lips, wrapping his arms around his waist and pulling him closer. Nico sighed, letting one of his hands tangle in Will's hair.

Will licked at Nico's bottom lip, and Nico quickly opened his mouth for Will to explore. Nico jumped when Will squeezed his rear. He smiled though, his hand tightening in Will's hair.

Will quickly picked him up, and Nico disconnected from the kiss to take a breath. He looked at Will, then laughed quietly. Will let out a small chuckle before turning around and pressing Nico to the wall. Nico leaned back in to kiss Will as he wrap his legs around his waist. Will hummed, his hand going to the hem of Nico's shirt, his fingers going under to rub small circles on his side.

It made a shiver of pleasure go through Nico, and Will chuckled again.

Will slowly presses his hips to Nico's, and Nico let out a small whine, Will letting out a groan.

Hazel had her eyes squeezed shut, her hands over her ears and her head buried in Percy's shoulder. They weren't sure what to do, freezing at the first kiss.

Percy, coming up with an idea, nudged Hazel to get her attention. She looked up at him, her entire face red.

"Can you shadow travel?" He mouthed. Hazel shrugged after a second. She hadn't ever really tried beside during the battle of Gaea, and she didn't know how much of a help she was to Nico then.

But she closed her eyes, focusing on the shadows around her. She took a deep breath, and she felt the shadows slowly clinging to her. But another moan made her cringe, breaking her concentration. She took another breath and tried again, but nothing happened. She groaned internally, wishing she had practiced as much as Nico.

Will put Nico down after a second, hesitantly disconnecting the kiss. Nico whined, curling his fist into Will's shirt.

"Don't stop," he whined. Will hummed, his hand resting on his hip as he tried to catch his breath.

"I need to go back to the infirmary soon," he mumbled, making Nico whine again.

"Why? We just came back from there."

"I know," Will replied, grabbing Nico's hand in his, "But that's because I'm on break right now." He grinned at Nico's pout.

"Can't you ask Austin to cover for you or something?" Nico mumbled.

"I would love to," Will says, pressing a quick kiss to his lips before giving him a smile, "but I can't. I'm head medic." Nico pouted, before leaning forward to start kissing Will's neck.

Will sighed after a second, putting a hand to Nico's head before moving his head so Nico had more access to his neck. Nico smiled, bring his hand up to gently brush past Will's nipple. He nibbled slightly, making Will moan.

He pushed Nico away after a second, though.

"I really can't skip another day, Neeks," He mumbled.

"But, Will," He made puppy dog eyes, and Will rolled his eyes with a fond smile.

"I'll be back as soon as my shift is over," Will whispered, kissing Nico's cheek. Nico huffed.

"That's going to take forever." Will tsked, running his hand through Nico's hair.

"So impatient," he murmured, smiled, "you know I love you?"

Nico simply pouted, and Will laughed, kissing Nico.

"I love you," he mumbled against his lips, before pulling back. Nico smiled instantly, and he grabbed both of Will's hands.

"Tell me again?" He asked, Will laughed.

"I love you, Neeks. You make me so happy," he kisses Nico's cheeks, "You're amazing Nico. I love you so, so much." Nico giggles, nuzzling his nose against Will's.

"I am pretty amazing, hm?" Nico asks jokingly. Will's quick to agree, kissing Nico one last time.

"I really have to go now," he says, "I'll see you later, I love you." Nico smiles at him, his face turning a light pink.

"I love you, too." Will beams, ruffles Nico's hair before leaving.

When the door closes, Nico sighs happily. He flops on his bed, letting out a couple giggles as he buries his face in his pillow.

He absolutely loved how Will could make him feel like a twelve year old girl talking to her crush. He sighs after a minute, sitting up and sliding off his shoes. He stands up, and when he opens the closet door to put them inside, he sees Hazel, who's fanning her face, and Percy, who gives him a weak smile.

Nico yelps, jumping back.

"Surprise?" Hazel mumbles.


I wrote this in a couple of hours so sorry for any mistakes <3

I feel like Hazel and Percy would be pretty close

also the word nipple makes me so uncomfortable and writing the word 'butt' makes me uncomfortable I don't know why


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