Chalter 24: Home

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Jakes new leg finally comes in and he is trying to get used to it

He even hates it when I see the nub of his leg but I always tell him I love everything about him

I feel someone's lips on mine and I am brought back to reality.

"We never finished high school!" I suddenly yell out

"Do you want to finish? I mean we already have a son and we are married" he says unsure

"Well I don't know I mean I want to finish but I don't want to leave my baby behind" I say feeling upset

"We can go back to high school and get a babysitter for Jake" he says pecking my lips

"How about we just do classes online or something" I suggest


Suddenly we hear a baby crying and we go get him

We walk in the room and see that my son has big puffy eyes and his little face is all red

I pick him up and realize he is hungry

I sigh and sit in the rocking chair

"How do you know what's wrong with him?" jake asks sitting on the floor beside me.

"It's a mom thing" I shrug feeding jake

"I knew this would happen" jake says looking down

"What are you talking about?"

"I knew you would be the one to know how to handle a kid and I would be the dad that has no clue what to do" he says standing up

"Her don't you ever say that. You are the best dad this baby could ever have" I say once I finish feeding jake

I lay him back in his crib and face jake

"I can't stop thinking about her" I say hiding my face in jakes chest

"Who?" he asks confused

"Our daughter" I say with tears coming in my eyes "I should've been a better mother" I say backing away

"I'm a horrible mother" I say in a whisper

"No. Stop your not. We are both good parents. She didn't die because of you" jake says wrapping his arms around me

We kiss and walk back to the couch

"Wanna watch a movie?" Jake asks


"I'll pick" jake says standing up and going to the tv

Soon I realize it is a scary movie. Oh no. It's the conjuring.

"Jake! you I'm scared of these scary movies" I say hiding my face

"I'm right here. Don't be scared I'll always be here for you" he says pulling me beside him

Well here goes nothing......

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