Chapter 2: Math class

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Jake and I walk in our first class: math. I hate math.

I get in there and realize there is only one seat left and it is next to Jake.

I walk over and sit down. I feel someone starring at me and turn around to only find Jake kissing some blond.

I begin to feel jealous for some reason.

The teacher walks in and Jake and the blond stop making out.

"I see we have a new student!" the teacher says very cheery."Whats your name sweetheart?" that's what my mom called me before she went crazy.

Oh no not on the first day. I begin to hyperventilate but quickly calm down.

"Uhh... m-my name is K-Kayla." I stutter out quickly. I hear a few people snickering in front of me and realize they were laughing at me stuttering.

"Class! Do not laugh at Kayla! All of you better treat her with respect." He yells at them. "Oh by the way Kayla my name is Mr. Brian" I nod my head and he begins to write on the chalkboard.

I hear someone call my name and I look at Jake.

"You ok?" he asks me.

"Yea why wouldn't I be?"

"Well you were hyperventilating when mr. Brian called you sweetheart."

"I'll explain later"

Crap! what am I going to say to him?! I can't tell him the truth!

I'll just wait until lunch rolls around to tell him.


I find an empty table and sit down with an apple in my hand.

Jake finds me and ask me to tell him why I was hyperventilating.

I take a deep breath and reply, " My mom. S-S-She kinda uh uh abuses me. When I was younger she always called me sweetheart. That's when she was nice. But one night she came home and started yelling at me. Then she did something horrible to me. She grabbed a knife and- and she uh cut my wrists." I reply showing him the scar trying to hide the others but of course my shirt goes up a little higher and reviles all of them.

Jake grabs my arm and takes me to the front of the school.

"PLEASE! DON'T HURT ME!!!" I yell at him.

He lets me go and says," I would never do that to you. And we are alike. My parents abuse me too." He lifts up his shirt in the front reviewing his abs and multiple scars. We are alike.


Chapter 2 complete!! I know it's boring so far but you will just have to hang with me. It will get better.

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