Chapter 9: Kids?

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The ext morning I wake up completely naked. Last nights memories come flooding back into my brain and I instantly smile.

Jake the wakes up and starts kissing my neck.

"Good morning Jake" I say making him stop.

"Good morning beautiful. Last night was fun" he says wiggling his eyebrows.

I giggle and realize we are both naked.

I instantly blush and stand up. As soon as I stand up I have the urge to throw up.

I run to the bathroom and start puking my guts out. Jake is there in no time holding my hair back.

"Umm are you ok?" Jake asks

"I don't know" I say truthfully before puking again.

I then think back and I don't remember having my period last month.

"You don't think I'm...." I didn't finish.

Jake turns pale realizing I'm might be pregnant.

"Let's schedule a doctors appointment and see" he says as calm as he can.

We get dressed and head over to the doctor.

We sit in the waiting room waiting for the doctor. I look over and see a little girl sitting in her mothers lap playing with toys. The dad beside the mother. I smile and Jake grabs my hand.

"Kayla Morgan" the nurse yells out.

We stand up making our way to her. She takes us in a room and tells me to lift my shirt.

"This may be a little cold" she says while smiling at me.

She spreads the gel around with a wand looking thing.

I grab Jake's hand and squeeze it for dear life.

"Ok I see something" she says " it looks like you are pregnant"

I look at Jake and he begins smiling.

"Wait a minute" the nurse says "it looks like..... Twins!" and that's the last thing I hear before I pass out.

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