Chapter 11: Another Nightmare

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I am outside with my family. It turns out I did have triplets.

Three boys. Perfect. Also I gave a person a broke hand. Jake is the lucky winner of that.

Having three kids in one day is hard.

I look up and see them playing football with Jake in the yard. Instantly bringing a smile to my face.

But all of that changes. Suddenly I see Jakes dad grab him making him unable to move. Out of no where my dad, my mom, and Jake's mom grab our kids.

I run outside only to find all of them on the ground..... dead

I run to my oldest son. Jason Kyle Alexander. He also has zero scratches on him.

I hear someone cough and see that Jake is not dead yet.

I run over to him and the only thing he says is poison and he dies.

"NO! JAKE DON'T LEAVE ME" I scream out. "You promised me" I almost whisper.

Finally I run over to my middle child. Jake Kade Alexander. He is named after Jake and I. Kade was the closest thing to Kayla for a boy.

He is not all the way gone yet.

He opens his eyes and says "I love you mommy" before he dies

I leave him and go to my youngest. Kase Ford Alexander. He is already dead.

"I love all of you" I whisper

I walk over and kiss jake one last time. "I'll never forget you" I whisper before screaming and breaking down.

Jake's Pov

I wake up next to someone squirming in bed. I look over and see that Kayla is crying and has sweat on her forehead

Oh no. She's having a nightmare.

"Kayla! Honey wake up" she opens her eyes and shoots up.

"Oh God. Jake! your alive?!" she yells crying.

"Yes baby. I promise and I'm not going anywhere" I say calming her down.

"I love you so much. You better not leave me!" she says crying harder.

"I won't now will you tell me what your dream was about?"

She takes a deep breath and starts.

"I had triplets and y'all were in the yard playing football. It was three boys. Out of no where my parents come and grab two boys. Your mom gets the other. Your dad grabs you and I run out there. By the time I got there y'all were d-d-de-dead" she says crying her heart out. "Jake I can't lose you! I love you!"

"Calm down you won't lose me. I swear. Now try to get some sleep" I say calming her down.

We cuddle up together and soon I hear he soft breathing meaning she fell asleep. I kiss her forehead and fall asleep too.

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