Chapter 1: First day being a softmor

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Stupid alarm clock.




"SHUT UP" I yell and sling my alarm clock across the room. Of course it shatters and falls to pieces.


I drag myself out of bed and take a quick shower. Revealing my ugly scars. My 'so-called' father beats me.

He gets his belt out and just hits me as hard as he wants. And of course. Mom helps him. They hate me as you can see.

I wash my hair and hop out. First day at a new school. Great, note the sarcasm.

More bullying for me.

Everyone hates me. Even my own family. I have no one. I put on a loose shirt so it will not rub up against my new marks to bad.

I grab a pair of jeans and quickly put them on.

"Get you ass down here it's time to eat!" my mom yells at me.

I quickly run down the stairs and face my mother.

"Hurry up and eat. I would hate to have to hurt you this early," she says to me. I quickly gulp down my burnt piece of toast and my little water I had.

I grab my converses and stuff my feet in them. I grab my bag and walk out of my 'home' and head to school.

On my way I see a group a football players talking to each other. But then I notice him. The quarterback everyone loves. Jake.

I love his eyes.... No! stop it! he'll never date someone as ugly as you!

I walk away quickly but soon I hear footsteps walking behinds me. I whip my head around and see no other than her. Jessica. The school slut, bully, and whore. She loves to hurt people.

"Hello Kayla. I don't think we have met. Well as you know, I'm Jessica and I get what I want." She sad to me

"Not from me you don't!" I yell back.

She slaps me hard across the face. I stumble back a bit before quickly apologizing to her. I walk we'll more like run to school.

As I walk into school I run into someone and drop all my books and look up to see who I hit. I quickly blush realizing its Jake. He helps me pick up my books and looks at my schedule.

"We have all our classes together," he smiles at me. I smile back and get lost into his blue eyes.

"Let's walk to class together" he tells me taking me out of my thoughts about his eyes.

"O- okay..." I stutter back to him.

I'm not really allowed to have friends. Or that's what my dad said to me.

So now you know why I don't. I'm not allowed to.

We walk to class silently until jake begins talking.

"So what do you like doing?" he asks trying to start a conversation with me.

I can't tell him I get abused! that's all that ever happens to me!

"Well... I like to read a lot" I quickly lie to him.

"Believe it or not I do too" then he flashes me a beautiful smile.

I then ask him, "Why are you being so nice to me. I'm the one who always gets bullied."

"Because I don't like people who bully others. The ones who get bullied deserve a better life." and that was all he said before we walked/ ran to the class so we wouldn't be late.


First chapter!!

*Throws confetti everywhere*

What do you think about Kayla and Jake? Comment me what you think so far.

~Elite girl#2

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