Chapter 18: The Wedding

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Kayla's pov

Oh. My. God. Today is the wedding!!

My aunt and uncle are going to take the baby while Jake and I are on our honeymoon.

"Kayla!" Nichole yelled at me snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"Sorry I was just thinking....." I say

"Alright your hair and makeup is done. Now it's time to get you in that dress." She says clapping her hands.

My dress is strapless and has diamonds on the whole top of it then it flows down to the ground. The bottom is huge and very pretty.

Once I get the dress on my uncle walks through the door

"Honey you look beautiful" he says with tears in his eyes. "I bet you if my brother was a good father to you he would've been so proud of you" he says hugging me.

All of my bridesmaids walk down the isle and its finally my turn.

I grip my uncles arm as hard as I can

"Calm down. It's just you and Jake up there" he says smiling

I calm down and we finally begin walking. I look up and see him. Standing at the alter with his arms behind his back. It takes all I have to not get out of my uncles grip to run up to him.

We finally get up there and my uncle kisses my cheek and goes to sit down by my aunt.

I smile at jake and tune the preacher out.

"Kayla. Do you take jake as your lawfully wedded husband? to have and to hold through sickness and in health?" the preacher asks

"I do" I say smiling

"Now jake do you take Kayla as you lawfully wedded wife? to have and to hold through sickness and in health?" the preacher asks Jake

Jake looks down and sighs. I instantly feel tears coming in my eyes. The crowed gasps and jake smirks at me

"Of course I do" he says.

"Now Kayla and Jake will say their vows to one another"

I have waited for this moment for my entire life.

I glance at the crowd and do a double take. He's here.

I begin shaking and look at jake. He follows my eyes and his eyes widen in fear.

I look at jake and start talking.

"Jake is the best guy a go could have. I'm extremely lucky to be able to call him mine. We have had our ups and downs through our life but we stayed together through it all. I love you so much Jake Alexander." I say

"Jake it is your turn to say your vows" says the preacher.

"Kayla. You are my life. You are my everything. You have made me who I am today. I love just waking up next to you. You instantly make my life better. I'm so so so lucky to call you mine. I love you so so so much Kayla Alexander" he says winking at me

"Now does anyone object this marriage?" Says the preacher looking at the crowd

No one says a word.

"Now you may kiss your bride" the preacher says

Jake leans in and I do the same. We get lost in the kiss and forget everyone is watching us.

We hear a few whistles from the football team and we slowly pull away.

We hold hands and walk back down the isle together.

That is until someone grabs my waist and pulls me away from Jake.

I whip my head around and gasp.

It's my brother.

"Who are you?!" I scream.

"It's me. I never died I'm still here." The person says

"Brian?" I ask

He nods his head and I engulf him in a hug.

"You're explaining this later"i say grabbing Jakes hand again.

The wedding is over and I have changed out of my dress. We walk over to my baby and kiss his head before he leaves.

Finally everyone is gone except for my brother.

We walk over to him and he begins explaining.

"When you thought I died I didn't. I fell into a comma when mom and dad found me. You had already ran to your room. The venom hadn't got to my heart yet so I wasn't dead. Dad had wrapped his belt around my leg to keep it from spreading to my heart. They took me to the hospital and never came back for me. When I got out I went out of the state and found my own house. I never came back and I'm so sorry" he says with tears streaming down his face.

I hadn't realized I was crying until Jake wipes my tears away

"All that matters is that your here now" I say smiling.

"Now y'all get to that honeymoon" he says wiggling his eyebrows

I giggle and go to the car with jake.

This is going to be fun😏

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