Chapter 15: Any Day Now

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Today I go to the doctors to check on my babies.

We arrive and they take us back as soon as we get there.

I lay on the table and lift my shirt up.

Nurse Michelle puts the gel on my stomach and spreads the wand around.

"Well it looks like you are having twins" she says

I look at jake and he is smiling widely at me.

I look at her puzzled. "I thought you said I was having triplets?"

"Well it looks like it is twins. Now do you want to know the sex?" She asks smiling.

"Yes" Jake and I say at the same time.

"It looks like this one is a.... boy! and this one...... oh that's not right" she says

I become scared and look at Jake.

"Honey it looks like one of you babies have lost its life" she says sadly.

I feel tears in my eyes. "Is the boy ok?" I ask.

"Yes he is perfectly fine it looks like you will be able to have him any day now" she says smiling at me. She wipes the gel off my stomach and tells us we can leave when we are ready.

I begin crying. "Jake I'm a horrible mother" I say. I look at him and he is crying too.

"No your not that baby died on its on. You did nothing." He says rubbing circles on my hand.

We stand up and walk to the car.

I get in and pat my big belly.

"Mommy loves you" I say smiling

"And so does daddy" Jake says kissing my stomach.

We go home and I fall asleep.

When I wake up I feel a sharp pain in my stomach. I look down and see water on the bed.

I wake Jake up "the baby is coming" I say as another pain comes.

He shoots up out of the bed and grabs a bag we had packed for this. We walk downstairs and into the car.

"Just breath" jake say calmly

"What do you think in doing!" I snap

He just smiles at me and drives to the hospital.

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