Chapter 16: Our Son

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We get to the hospital and jake carries me in his arms.

"Help! my wife is having a baby!" jake yells out.

A bunch of doctors come out rolling a stretcher my way.

Jake lays me on it as he holds my hand the whole way to my room.

They get everything set and say I can start pushing when the next contraction comes.

When it comes I begin pushing and squeeze Jake's hand.

"Your doing good honey" Jake says

Finally I get my son out and hear him crying. Then nurse Michelle tells them my other baby is in there. The head doctor walks over to the head of the bed.

"Honey I am going to give you medicine that will put you in labor so you can get your other baby out." I nod my head and take the medicine.

I feel a pain and push. Once I get the baby out I hear a doctor say it was a girl.

They hand me the baby and I look at her tiny face.

Jake comes up and kisses me

"We'll be ok we have our son" he says with tears streaming down his face.

I kiss her and the doctor takes her away. They come back with my son and I hold him close to me "I love you"

I hand him to Jake and he kisses his tiny head.

"What are we going to name him?" I ask.

"I don't know" he says

"Lets name him after you" I suggest. Jake looks In my eyes with a smile on his face. "His middle name can be Kade" jake says "its the closest thing to Kayla for a guy" he says.

I smile "Jake Kade Alexander. Perfect."

I get out of the hospital tomorrow.

Jake starts crying and I take him in my arms.

"He is hungry" nurse Michelle says smiling. "You will need to breast feed him"

She tells me what to do and I follow her instructions as he begins to eat.

Jane smiles at me and kisses me.

"I told you you were going to be an amazing mother" be says

We get to go home today. I change into my new clothes and head out to the car in a wheelchair. I put Jake jr in his carseat and sit beside him.

"We are going to your new home" I say smiling at my son.

We go to the new house and we have already packed everything in.

I take baby Jake to his room and lay him in his crib.

Jake comes up behind me and puts his arms around my waist while kissing my neck.

"I'm lucky to have such an amazing family" I say smiling.

Jake stops kissing me and looks at me in the eyes.

"Kayla I love you very much you have given me a son and I am so lucky to have you. You lighten up my day when I wake up to you every morning. I love you Kayla Morgan. Will you do me the extraordinary honor of marrying me?" He says getting down on one knee showing a beautiful ring.

"Of course I will marry you, Jake!" I say he stands up and puts the ring on my finger. He picked me up and spun me around.

"Lets go to bed." Jake says smiling at me.

He carries me up the stairs and we snuggle up and go to sleep.

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