Chapter 3: After School

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Kayla's last name is Morgan and Jake's last name Alexander!!


I walked in my house trying to figure out how Jake knew i was abused. I reach my front door and walk in.

My mom is the only one home. Thank God. I was late walking home because I had detention for skipping the rest of the day with Jake.

"Where the hell have you been?!" she yells at me

"I had detention....." I replied.

She slapped me and slung me into the wall. I sit there weakly. Not able to move. She walks over to me, grabs me by my hair and pulls me up from the floor.

"Go to your room." she says through gritted teeth.

I scurry up the stars to only hear my dad waking up.

"Where is that girl?!" he yells breaking a bottle. Oh no.

"That helpless piece of crap is upstairs." says my mother.

I hear big steps coming up the stairs and stop at my room. All of a sudden the door slams open and my father is standing there smiling evilly at me.

"Hello little piece of crap!" he yells at me. I say nothing.

"ANSWER ME!!" he yells.

"I-I'm sorry" I reply.

He comes over to my bed where I am and begins to hit me with his belt. I scream out I agony as he continues. He removes my shirt and does not hold back. My back is stinging as I sit there crying.

"This is for your own good," he tells me as he removes all my clothing and begins to hit hit me hard with his belt not holding back. He leaves after I am left crying and my body aching all over. I turn my head to look at my back. There is not one spot where he did not hit me.

I get up slowly and painfully making my way to the bathroom to get my first aid kit I keep in there. Somehow I manage to clean up the wounds and all that.

I go back to bed without grabbing a shirt and start thinking.

Jake. The school quarterback. He doesn't have a perfect life. He has scars just like me. I go to sleep thinking we are alike.

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