Chapter 10: Of Course Jake

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I wake up and everything is blurry.

"What happened?" I asked. My voice sounding g hoarse.

"You passed out when you found out you were having twins" Jake says

"How long have I been pregnant?" I ask scared.

"About 1 week. Why?" Jake says scared.

"How many times have we had sex?" I ask nervous

"Listen. Have had sex with any other guys?" he asks! in a duh tone.

I shook my head. "Ok then it's mine"

I smile and the doctor comes in.

"Well I see you have woken up!" she says happily, "I have some news on your babies"

I instantly become scared.

"Have I done something to them?" I ask frightened

"Oh no honey. It may be too soon to tell but it could be triplets" I freeze I look at Jake and he is white as snow

"You can leave when you are ready" the nurse says

"Jake. Three kids. That's a lot for me to handle." I say with tears welling up in my eyes.

"Hey we'll get through this. Together." He says wiping away my tears

We go to his house and see a note saying the cops got his patents.

"Kayla. I love you. And I want you to be mine. You are a beautiful and talented girl. So the question is. Will you be my girlfriend?" he says getting on one knee revealing a ring. "it's a promise ring"

"Of course Jake. I'll be your girlfriend." I say smiling. He picks me up and spins me around. He puts me down and kisses me.

We cuddle up in his bed and watch movies. By the third movie I find myself getting sleepy.

Jake seems to notice this and shuts off the tv.

"Let's get some sleep" he says smiling.

We lay down in his bed cuddled against each other. I drift off to sleep thinking about having a family.

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