Chapyer 21: Jake!

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We are drinking beer on the beach and after my 3rd one I felt a little tipsy.

I stood up and say in Jake's lap. He picked me up and carried me to the water.

He sat me down and I jumped on his back knocking him over.

We started splashing each other and having fun.

Soon it began to thunder so we got out of the water.

I walked into the house and made lunch.

I made tacos something easy.

We ate when they were done and I walked to the couch and sat down.

Jake came over and I cuddled up against him.

"I think I left the beer outside in the ice chest" he said sighing.

We stood up and saw it was lightning and the waves were huge. They kept coming up to the ice chest and dragging it out.

We walked out the door and I was storming. Jake walked out to get the ice chest.

The waves had brought it out into the water so he walked out there.

A big wave is coming and it pulls him under.

"Jake!" I yell as loud as I could.

I ran out there and I couldn't find them.

My foot hit something and I saw red all around me.

I picked up whatever I hit and it was Jake

He had a huge cut in his head. I drug him to the sand and have him CPR.

His heart was beating very slowly and I called 911 and explained to them what had happened.

I saw a boat coming towards the house with doctors in it. They jumped out and came towards me.

They put Jake on a stretcher and carried him to the boat.

I jumped on after them and we were off.

I had tears streaming down my face as I called my aunt with Jake's phone.

"Hey" I say crying

"Honey what's wrong?" she says worriedly

"Jake h-h-hit his h-h-head on a rock in the w-w-water" I say crying harder

"Honey it's gonna be ok" she says but I can hear the tears coming in her eyes

I end the call when we pull up into the hospital. They take jake to a different room and hold me back.

I sink down in a chair and cry until I feel strong arms hold me.

I look up and see my brother frowning at me.

"It's gonna be ok" he says and kisses my head

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