Chaptr 14: The Funeral

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It has been 1 week since Lexi died. Today is the funeral.

I am dressed in a black dress with my sandals. I have been texting Kyle, Lexi's boyfriend. We are picking him up today for the funeral.

Jake and I walk to the car without a word spoken. I get in and text Kyle.

Me- we are on the way

Kyle- ok I'm ready

I close off my phone and look at Jake.

"The one girl I loved is now gone. She was my bestfriend and I lost her" I say tears welling up in my eyes

"Listen. She is in a better place now. Don't worry" he says kissing my forehead while wiping away my tears.

I give him a sad smile and he drives to get Kyle. We get there and walk in his house. He is on the couch crying his eyes out.

I sit next to him.

"Hey she's in a better place now. She wouldn't want you like this" I say calming him down. He nods his head and we all walk to the car.

I get in the passenger seat and Kyle is in back.

We pull up to the church and I see Lexi's brother. I run up to him and hug him while we cry our eyes out together.

"We'll be ok. She's in a better place now" I say

"I just miss her" Alex, her brother, says

I walk over to Jake and we walk in the church. Since Lexi's parents are dead I was allowed to sit on the front row and say something about Lexi.

The whole thing goes smoothly and her family gets to say something. When it's my turn I walk up on the stage and grab the microphone.

"Lexi and I weren't just friends. We were sisters. I remember all the times we were together. I even remember the last time we were. Lexi was an amazing girl. She always gave me good advice and helped me when I needed her." I take a deep breath while the tears spill out of my eyes. "She was to young to die. I tried to save her and I couldn't." I look up and I see everyone crying. "Lexi was an amazing young girl and I'm sorry she had to leave us" I finally break down. Tears are coming out of my eyes as I walk over to the casket. I look at her and fall to my knees. "I'm sorry! That should've been me not you! Lexi please come back!" I sob as Jake comes over to pick me up. I kiss Lexi on the forehead one last time before I go back over to my seat and cry my eyes out on Jake's shoulder.

Alex walks up to the stage and begins speaking.

"Lexi was my girlfriend. She would brighten my day just by me remembering her name. She was an amazing girl who would make me smile when I would be upset. She was there for me when I needed her most too. I love you Lexi and I will miss you" he says before walking over to the casket and kissing her one last time.

The preacher closes the casket and everyone walks out of the church.

We go to the graveyard and put roses on the casket.

They bury her as everyone leaves except me, Jake, and Alex.

Out of no where it begins to rain and I begin getting wet.

We all walk to the car and Alex goes with Lexi's aunt.

I get in the car and I am freezing. Jake, once again, gives me his jacket and heads home.

We get there and I walk in.

"Jake promise me you will never leave me" I say

"I promise"

We take a shower and change clothes. I hop in bed and snuggle up to jake.

I don't fall asleep yet. I feel something in my stomach and realize one of the babies kicked.

"Jake wake up" I whisper.

"Hmmm" he says half asleep.

"One of the babies kicked" I say smiling.

He shoots up and smiles at me. He puts his hand on my belly and they go wild.

"They already love you" I say smiling

"I love you so much Kayla" he says kissing me

I kiss him back and we go to sleep

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