Chapter 8: Cops

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I stayed with Jake that night and went home the next morning.

I pulled up in the driveway and say blue lights and cop cars everywhere.

I ran inside and saw my dad handcuffed sitting in a chair. I walk to one of the cops and ask what's going on.

"We got a call saying your neighbors heard your parents yelling and then a ear piercing scream. We came here and saw your mother, I'm guessing, dead on the floor and your father passed out on the couch. We took the knife and figured out it was your father who killed your mother. I'm sorry." The officer says to me.

I run to my dad and slap him hard across the face. Before calling Jake.

"I- I- I n-n-need y-y-you ov-over h-h-here q-q-quick." I stutter through my tears and sobs.

"I'm on my way" he says quickly.

About 5 minutes later Jake pulls up. I run into his arms and break down.

"H-h-he k-k-killed h-h-her" I sobbed out.

"Shhhh it's ok. Your gonna be ok." He tries to soothe me.

"Mam, we need to ask you a few questions" a cop says to me

I nod my head waiting for the questions.

"Ok, has your parents ever harmed you?" he asks

"Yes. The abuse me." I lift up my shirt revealing my bruises, scars, and new marks.

"Ok. When did you first realize that your mother was dead?" he asks me

"When I got home from school. I walked in and saw dad asleep on the couch and mom dead on the floor. I screamed and ran to Jake's house." I say truthfully.

"Now do you know why they abuse you?"

I froze. I know why but I can't answer that without breaking down.

"Ummm uh. Well I was 6 and my older brother ,Brian, and I were outside playing. He was running and I was chasing him. Mom and dad had gone to work so I couldn't contact them. I chased him and he wasn't looking where he was going. So he ran and stepped on -on-on a-a-a water moccasin and it bit him. He screamed and I stopped and the snake went away. I sat down beside him tears streaming down my face. He said not to worry about him. That he was going to a better place. Which that made me cry even harder. I was holding his hand and when I no longer felt him holding onto mine. I knew he was gone. My parents got home and saw us and they instantly blamed me for it. So that caused them to beat me." I say. Then I lose it. I fall to the ground screaming. Wanting my brother back.

Jake tries to calm me but its no use. I miss running around with him. Even though he was 16 when he died, he was still my best friend.

Eventually I calm down and Jake was still by my side. The officer had gone and started talking to his partners.

"We are going to court to try to send your father to jail. If I get you a lawyer can you attend for us?" Another officer asks.

"I will if Jake can come with me." I reply looking at Jake.

"That's fine we will go one month from today" he says with a sad smile.

I nod my head and everyone leaves taking my dad with them.

"Thank you" I say looking at Jake.

"Why are you thanking me?" he ask

"For not leaving me when I broke down" I say looking down.

He lifts my chin so I stare into his eyes. "I would never do that" he says sweetly while placing and small kiss on my lips.

"But I have one question" I tell him. He nods telling me to go ahead. "Can you stay with me?"

"Of course." He smiles. There was one cop left hanging around.

"Excuse me." Jake says, "I have something I need to say. My parents abuse me too. They are home now. Here is my address. Can you please take them away?" Jake says taking his shirt off revealing his scars bruises and new marks.

"We will do our best son" the cop replies smiling at him.

He leaves with his partners and we walk inside.

Jake closes the door after me and kisses me. He pushes me against the door and begins trailing kisses down my neck. He begins to suck on the bottom of my neck causing me to moan in delight.

He picks me up continuing to kiss me. He takes me upstairs into my room and the rest of the night becomes a blur.

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