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Reid kept you company, hand still in yours as the nurses helped patching you up. The nurse allowed him to sit in the hospital bed with you after wrapping and closing your wounds.

Hotch came in, Prentiss following and then a nurse with a clip board.

You knew the nurse was going to ask questions, Prentiss' tapping feet and Hotch's look made you nervous and you squeezed Reid's hand for comfort.

"You're alright, it's just a few questions." He rubbed this thumb over your hand, calming you.

"We can go if you need us to." Prentiss calmed and spoke towards you.

"No, no it's okay." You shook your head and calmed your nerves.

Prentiss and Hotch stood close by the nurse standing at the end of your bed.

"Did he rape you in any form?" She pressed, voice monotoned and face expressionless.

I guess getting straight to the point is important.

"Uh um."

"Is that necessary?" Hotch stood up from his leaning position on the wall.

"Hotch, it's fine." You spoke, shifting your gaze towards him.

He leaned back against the wall, Prentiss speaking sideways to him.

"Not, um, not genitally I suppose. Not with his, um." You stuttered, rubbing your arm with your hand.

"Did he use any toys or sexual instruments?" She asked, writing your previous answer down with a scribbled pen.

"Yeah um. He used a whip, I suppose that could be a form of a BDSM sexual toy. He uh, also used a vibrator." You closed your eyes and sighed, cheeks heating up.

Was it really a time to be embarrassed?

"Y/N you dont have to be embarrassed." Reid spoke quietly.

He for sure knew you better than you did yourself.

"Im sorry." You said quietly.

"Was it sterilized, the vibrator?" She asked, lazily looking up and raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah. I watched him sterilize it. He used his hands too, not before washing them though." You crossed your legs under the itchy hospital blanket.

"Alright. Im still going to have you tested for any HIV or sexually transmitted diseases, after tests I'll give you a kit to clean your wounds at home and give you the leave paperwork." She nodded in  your direction not paying any other attention to you nor bidding a quick goodbye.

You sighed with relief when she left, you breathing out a partial breath you had no clue you were holding.

"I'll go and get something to eat, do any of you want anything?" Hotch asked standing up.

"I'll go with you Hotch." Prentiss stood up and waited for an answer from you both.

"I'll have a jello." Reid said timidly making you laugh. Jello is his favorite.

"I'm, I'm good. Thanks Hotch." You nodded towards him and Prentiss.

Hotch nodded, heading out the door. Prentiss closed it with a wave, you smiled and relaxed when the door closed.

"Y/N." Reid started quietly. You closed your eyes and nodded.

"I-I I'm really really sorry. Im sorry this happened. Im sorry I let this happen to you." He said shakily, eyes already starting to water.

"Reid. Do not, don't blame yourself. Don't blame yourself for anything that happened to me. I let this happen to myself, it is not your fault." You turned towards him, seeing the faulty tears and lip quivering making him surely less than a sight for sure eyes.

But you still loved him.

Loved him.

I love him.

You shook your head, the thought dissapearing and harboring on the back burner, but still on mind.

"I let him get you. I let you go and buy some stupid popcorn so we could watch a dumb movie that I would have just ignored and kissed you nearly the whole time." He croaked out.

"I should have profiled him like normal, I should've known!" He furrowed his brows together, in less of anger and more of dissapointment

In himself

"Reid. Look at me. Look at me God damnit!" You raised your voice.

"This isn't your fault and I'll have no fucking more of you talking down to yourself. You did nothing of the sort getting me hurt. This is not your fault." You cried at him, pressing your soft palm against his we cheek. His tears making your palm wetter.

"You can't blame yourself. I can't let you sit here and cry and think this is your fault and that you caused this because you didn't." You now began crying.

"I won't let you blame yourself Reid. I won't." You wiped his tears away with your thumb, shaking your head.

"Don't do that to yourself Reid, I've done it too much to myself." You smiled shortly and wiped your own eyes on your forearms.

You leaned up and kissed his forehead softly, touch lingering.

"You up for a nap lover boy?" You laughed, changing the mood. He nodded shortly and snuggled down in the itchy gross hospital bed.

You commanded yourself to sleep, Reid's comfortable slow breathing pulling you into a sleep.

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