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The plane ride was realitively smooth, everyone stayed quiet, music playing, books occupying their minds, thoughts running wild, or a slumber keeping them busy.

You kept tired eyes on Reid a majority of the flight, he sat next to you keeping quiet chatter flowing for a good while.

After about a steady two hours you passed out, head leaning steadily on his shoulder. Your hand rested kindly on his thigh.

Morgan and JJ teased each other about you guys, sneaking photos and laughing quietly.

Reid snored quietly, his mouth open slightly and chest puffing short breaths.

At landing Hotch woke you quietly, tapping both of your shoulders to signal the plane landed.

You both left the plane wearily and trudged the way back to the bureau.

"Y/N. Open your eyes you're about to run into a wall." Reid spoke with a yawn. You peeled your tired eyes open, a large brick wall stood a foot away from you.

You rubbed your eyes and yawned.

"Reid I will pass out right here. I cannot walk any further." You whined and turned around.

He smiled at you, bags under his eyes seeming darker than usual. You grumbled angrily at him.

"I cannot help you Y/N, I'm very tired as well." He spoke and rubbed his face.

"Can we call an uber, or lift or something? I do not want to drive. I'll crash my car or something. I also don't want you driving, you're too tired." You spoke to him.

"Well then I'd have to give them my address as well and that's extra hassel." He spoke groggily.

"You can crash at my place Reid." You said and raised your eyebrows.

"I. I dont want to, uhmm, intrude." He said sheepishly.

"You will never intrude Reid." You spoke and pulled out your phone texting a local uber.

You and Reid got in the arrived uber, keeping quiet in the back and on the way to your home.


You twisted the key in the deadlock and then a seperate key in the knob.

When you opened the front door you peered into the darkness of your home, all lights off when you left days ago.

You reached for the light inside the door, turning both the entrance light and porch light on.

You entered in, Reid following behind you and closing the front door. You tore your shoes off, tossing them recklessly by the front door and Reid doing the same.

You turned table sized lamps on, the room lighting with soft yellow tones.

"You can leave your stuff in the living room if you want. I'll be right back." You said turning your head over your shoulder in his direction.

He nodded curtly, a tight smile on his face. You exited the room and made a sluggish walk to the stairs.

After getting up the multiple amount of stairs you walked into your room, tossing your bag on to your bed. 

You shimmied your way out of the current pair of pants you were wearing and found a pair of shorts to slip on.

You then put on a larger shirt, something sweater typed with your home-state college on the front in thick fabric and embroidery.

You left the room, walking across the carpited hallway and to the door. You opened it and turned the light on, smiling when you heard happy cawing.

You walked over to a tall, white cage. You opened it, coaxing the blue macaw out of the cage.

"Hey Scarlet. Hi." You coaxed the macaw and stroked her feathers down. You walked your way over to another cage on the next wall. A salmon crested cockatoo walking about while bobbing its head.

You smiled at the feeding bowls on the perch and the feeding bowls in the cages, both half full meaning they had eaten today.

You opened the cage and got the other bird out, muttering to it as it rubbed against you.

You held both birds on both arms, smiling happily as you exited the room. Once you got to the top of the stairs you shook your arms, the birds letting off and flying downstairs.

You smiled when they flew, the power of their wings pushing wind backwards and your hair flowing.

Seconds later you heard a giggle then screech.

"Y/N! They're on me! They are on me!" Reid shouted from down stairs.

You laughed and jogged down the stairs, happily awaiting the image of Reid.

You turned towards Reid, he stood in the kitchen. His shoulders were raised, arms out on both sides, face contorted in what seemed to be fear.

You laughed as his faced tightened when the bird on his head and the one on his right shoulder fluttered their wings simultaneously

"Reid, they're birds. You are fine." You laughed as he shook his index finger on his opposite hand.

"I can't. No. They. Get them off.
Y/N I can't. Help." He whined.

You shook your head playfully and whistled. Both birds left his frame, flapping their wings and came over to you, resting on both of your shoulders.

"W-what? When? How? Birds?" He sputtered out shaking his head and rubbing his shoulders and readjusting his hair.

"I got the blue Macaw when I was seven, her name is Scarlet. Then my father let me buy the salmon crested cockatoo from our neighbor, Karen. His name is Tom." You smiled at Reid and looked to both of them, reaching a hand up and stroking each of them.

"Thats, wow. You like birds?" He asked, pulling out the stool from the island.

"A long while. My first word was macaw. I loved going to the local aviary in Michigan. My dad would always take me, me and my best friend. We both loved birds. Now when I'm gone my neighbor Sally comes and feeds them." You said with a smile as you shook your shoulders and dismissed the birds, them flying to perches you disguised as artwork.

"Thats fascinating. Birds are fantastic survivalists, no wonder the the phrase bird's eye view. They have a upperhand in protecting themselves and keeping oneself concealed." Reid spoke, facts mixed with personal opinion flowing freely.

"Birds are magnificent. Their wingspan spreading wide to create an arrowdinamic figure helping them glide through the air merclessly. Only one can hope for a bird's freedom." You spoke proudly.

"Birds hold themselves with the power of wings and powerful muscles. I want to fly like them some day. I want to peer at the ground under me and glide through the air freely." You said smiling at the thought.

He smiled back. "That would be amazing." He spoke. You nodded and agreed, both of you sitting there in a moment of silence. You spoke up.

"Im going to dismiss myself to bed Reid. There are blankets and such in the two door closet in the main hallway. help yourself to anything. My home is your home, if you need anything I'll be upstairs. Goodnight."

He muttered a happy goodnight and you trudged up the stairs, birds flying along with and into their room.

You made your way to bed, lying down and relaxing.

A few things running through your mind before falling asleep.


"Only one can hope for a bird's freedom."

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