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The room was far too bright for your eyes not to burn out of their sockets. As soon as you opened them you shut them and grumbled. A dull throbbing headache spiked at the light and now the back of your brain felt heavy and it hurt.

You lifted your right arm, well at least tried. It was numb and heavy. Confused you looked down, a wrap around the shoulders, running down and under your armpit.

You looked down, gun rested on the chair pulled close to your bed and the mag sitting close to it.

You picked it up, afraid of where you were and how you had gotten here. You sat up, arm still hanging loose and fingers begining to regain feeling.

The door burst open and you lifted the gun with your left hand, pointing it wearily at the oncoming intruder.

"Woah woah! Agent Cooper, I'm Agent Hotchner from the FBI unit in Quantico. Put down the fire arm!" He spoke loudly, a hand held up and badge pulled out.

"Where are we! To be exact Mr. Hotchner, where the hell am I!?" You shouted, setting the gun down and relaxing.

"Y/N. That's Agent and Captain Hotchner to you." Kolahand spoke from the door frame, a soft smirk on his lips, shoulder leaning against it and arms folded in front of his chest.

"Kolahand!" You shouted, jumping out of the bed and on your way to hug him.

As soon as your left foot hit the ground it went limp, knee buckling and landing you on the floor.

He jogged over, squatting down by you.

"Small calliber bullet taken to the mid left thigh." He chuckled grasping your hand and pulling you up. You immediately wrapped your arm around his neck, taking him into a deep hug.

"I was really scared for you Y/N. You went into blood loss comatose. You were asleep for four days." He spoke taking your shoulders in his hands and held them softly.

"Where am I Kolahand?" You asked, small tears prickling your eyes.

"You're in Quantico. For rehabilitation." He spoke.

"W-what. Why?" You lifted your left arm from his shoulder and wiped the falling tears, wiggling your fingers on your right hand, still desperately trying to regain feeling.

"Well, when the unsub shot you, both in your leg and shoulder, he shot right above and under two to three nerve endings causing them to block, pinch, or numb. Thats why you cant move your arm or leg." Hotchner spoke from the place he's been standing.

"Why am I here for rehabilitation then?" You asked as Kolahand helped you sit and get back in bed comfortably.

"The best rehabilitation center and definitely the highest class and team of behavioral analysts I've come across. I want you to rehabilitate and work at the same time." He spoke and sat on the chair next to your bed.

"So youre leaving me here? With strangers I don't know, to work while getting better?" You asked, anger brewing.

"Not strangers Cooper. People I know very well." He spoke calmly, obviously trying to relax you.

"Oh, don't Cooper me, Mason!" You picked up your voice.

"I'm basically starting from damn square one!" You managed to stand up, leg barely faultering and letting you take a few steps before faltering and going weak.

He stood up sticking an arm out and you regected it, sticking your left hand out and your gaze flickering to the floor.

You stood, resting your weight on your right leg.

"I have plenty of people on my team to help you re-adjust and work." Hotchner spoke up.

"Just help me back into that damn bed. Also get me food, please. Thats an order to you Kolahand. Hotchner please help me get in bed." You looked up to him.

He nodded and headed towards you, helping you hobble successfully towards the bed. Kolahand walked out, head down and no words spoken.

Agent Hotchner helped you get comfortable, situating your numb arm and growing numb leg before covering you back up in the bed sheets.

The scratchy wool bedsheets that no one likes. That sit at the bottom of the shelf and collect dust.

"Agent Hotchner? How long will I be here?" You asked causing his head to turn in your direction from the idol stare it held on the wall.

"Just call me Hotch, Y/N. You'll be here for a while. I know getting to rehabilitate your arm will be fairly difficult, your leg may be easier. Plus if you get along with my team members, we might just have you stay. You would be greatfully needed on our team. We just had a key member leave."

He tucked the left side of his lip back, a small dimple forming and his lips thinning.

"I dont.. I. I have a whole life back in Michigan. My family, friends, Foyer. God he's going to be desvestated. He's my best friend Hotch." You whined out, voice unsteady and tears coming to your eyes.

"And my team, Mason, and I all understand that. That's why we have the option for you to stay after rehabilitation. I don't want to keep you here if you don't want to be here." He spoke solemnly. For once some small amount of emotion showing on his face.

"I..uh..don't. Damnit." you said angrily rubbing your face and sighing.

"Y/N your skills and assets will not only help our team, but will help so many people. You came here for emergency surgery, only an hour flight or so, and I read up on you. You're fantastic, just like our old SSA Gideon." He spoke softly.

"I.. I'll stay for rehabilitation, even though I'm pretty sure I didn't have an option. I'll consider being a perminant part of your team." You said head still spinning of what's happened in just the past week.

"Y/N you will be discharged today, Hotch will help you to your new home, you'll begin therapy and rehabilitation tomorrow. You are going to be at the BAU by the end of the week and start your job there as soon as possible." Kolahand spoke from the door, an eggshell colored tray in his hands.

An egg mcmuffin sat on the top, a chocolate milkshake in a large cup, and a cup of jello.

"This is all they had." He said with a small side smile.

"Thanks Kolahand." You said back.

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