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To say the crime scene was uneventful was by far the biggest understatement of the century.

The body was so far past mutilated, cuts and gashes covered the near entirety of her abdomen.

Even though you had to choke past the feeling of fainting and a near mental break down every once in a while, you and Reid inspected everything about the crime scene and body.

The wounds showed torture for sure, Reid explaining slow bleeding and the cakeyness of the blood.

You listened to him speak and you jotted down notes while he made valid points about the unsub.

You both made a solid profile of the victim and the crime scene. Then you waited for Morgan to come back.

You both got back into the SUV, relaxing and waiting for Morgan to finish his roleplay and then you all could head back to the station.

He sat with his head leaning on your shoulder, one hand of yours occupied with his hand and the other combing through his hair gently.

When Morgan came back he gave both of you strange looks before starting the SUV up and heading away from the crime scene.


Morgan spoke about his findings and investigations. You listened to Reid speak about your notes you collaborated on.

The unsub was an organized  sexual, somewhat, sadist. He planned the kidnappings, finding women who he thinks he can capture. He may also be working with someone else.

Hotch called in the police, briefing them on the newest info and sending JJ out for a press conference.

You and Reid kept quiet, a secret agreement was kept with the two of you. Just sit back and relax, he was keeping you calm for the sake of your mental sanity.

Hotch asked no questions, only nodding towards your hands intertwined and Reid responding with a nod in your sleepy direction.

Not much had happened around the P.D office though, it was hard to keep yourselves busy and you often found yourselves napping on the large couch in the break room.

Reid took up a majority of the space on the dingy couch and you stayed snuggled close to him.

Then after naps and food breaks, maybe a bit of fooling around, Hotch ordered you to do something productive. He went off on a speel that you had something dangerous on hand and it was important to take care of now.

You all worked on the case, waiting for someone to call in for a person that fit the profile.

You then sat down with Reid and the rest of the team and sifted through other case files.

All of you worked hard on trying to catch up on other cases.

You all worked hard to sift through all the files. The wait was long and tiresome.

Nobody did anything for a long while, the room staying quiet with small chatter and rustled paper.

You still managed to occupy yourself and stay busy for the most part.

Though everything was coming together nicely, nothing was piecing together for you and you just let it slide. Opting for day dreaming instead.

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