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You gave Kolahand one last hug. He stood with you outside of the main room in the BAU. The glass door seeprated you from your new job and new teammates.

"I'll call on my breaks. I'll call after work. I'll call you every day." You said, tears grazing the edge of your eyes and you wiped them away frantically.

Rehabilitation was actually really easy, maybe you were working yourself extra hard because who wants to be away from home that long, and you already could walk with both legs and lift your forearm.

"I'll pick up every call. I'll miss you so much Y/N." He said, tucking a stray hair behind your ear.

"I'll message Foyer too. Keep him sane for me." You smiled.

"I will." He laughed and rubbed your shoulder.

"I love you Kolahand." You spoke as you turned to leave.

"Likewise Cooper." He grinned and saluted dorkily. 

You turned, lose satchel thrown over your shoulder swinging as you headed towards the door.

You let out an unsteady breath and opened it. No one really turned heads as you walked in. Looking around completely lost, you went to the nearest desk worker.

"Hey, I um. Im looking for Agent Hotch." You said, the end turning up into a quiet squeak and making it sound more like a question.

"Oh. You must be Cooper. He's in the conference room with the rest of your team. Good luck." He said and pointed to two large, wooden doors.

You nodded muttering a 'thank you' before walking in that direction.

Approaching the doors made them seem larger and scarier than before. The dark wood intimidating and glistening from a dark stain and glossy finish.

Tall, nearly floor to ceiling length windows stood next to the doors, the glass warped and cloudy making it hard to see in.

You raised an unsteady hand to the door, asking yourself if you should knock or just walk in. Deciding on the latter, you reached for the gray, metal handle and twisted it down to open the door.

You opened it and took a weary step in. The nerves getting the best of you and heart rate picking up considerably.

You closed the door behind you a little too loudly and the team turned around to see you.

"Y/N how nice of you to join us." Hotch said enthusiasticly but reading a hint of sarcasm.

"Team, this is Agent Cooper from the Behavioral Analyst team in Michigan. She's here on rehabilitation and could possibly be here permanently. Welcome her nicely and make her comfortable here." Hotch said, gaze wandering around the room before landing on you finally.

"Its nice to meet you babycakes, I'm Derek Morgan, you can call me Morgan." A tall buff man stood up and reached a hand out. He was large and intimidating, but very attractive.

You shook his hand, blushing at the newly introduced pet name, and smiling at him kindly.

While this exchange went on several other people got up and walked over to you.

Morgan sat down in his chair and lifted a navy blue cup to his lips sipping what was presumed to be coffee.

A tall-ish woman stood infront of you, blonde hair tied back in a ponytail. Her hand stuck out and she had a soft smile.

You took her hand and shook it. "I'm Jenifer Jareau, but you can gladly call me JJ." She smiled. You nodded and watched her retreat to her chair.

Another woman stood infront of you, medium length brown hair and a small thin smile.

"Hi. I'm Emily Prentiss. Call me whatever honey." She smiled and nodded at you, not bothering to shake a hand.

"Rossi is out today. You'll meet him later, same with Garcia." Hotch spoke, you and the last person to meet both turned to him.

You nodded and turned to the person infront of you. He was tall, lanky, very thin.

His neck seemed skinny and long the adam's apple sticking out and prominent and you looked up to his face. He looked down with a weary smile.

His jawline sticking out and cheekbones prominent, soft brown eyes held by purple bags. Brown fringe held down his forehead and swiped to the side.

He stuck out a hand, palm large and fingers long and skinny. Wow his hands were nice.

He was gorgeous.

You shook your head and focused, lifting your hand to shake his hand.

"Hi, I um. I'm uh, I'm doctor, you don't really have to call me doctor. I'm Spencer Reid. Call me either. Usually Reid though." He smiled timidly, small miniature dimples surfacing.

"Hey Reid. I'm Y/N." You spoke quietly. His smile seemed to widen when he heard you speak.

He nodded and dropped your hands. You smiled back at him and looked down as he walked back to the table.

"Y/N, why don't you take that empty seat to the right of Reid, we'll all catch you up on the case." Hotch nodded in Reid's direction.

You nodded shyly and walked to the empty chair next to Reid, taking your bag off and setting it on the table.

Hotch began to speak, directing the group about the recent murders and trying to put pieces together. You kept your mouth shut for the most part, observing how they collaborated nicely.

"The unsub has captured, presumably tortured, and brutally murdered several males." Hotch spoke.

"I mean it could possibly be a male killer." You spoke up.

"Most of the killers are usually male, by a certain percentage." You said and Reid interjected.

"A near 75-80% of killers are males. The drive and ability to kill or hurt someone is higher since they could be stronger and are usually larger built than women." He said and smiled sheepishly in your direction.

"But, on the contrary it could be a female killer, she could be going after exes or people who have wronged other women. Every scene seems to show or support a symbol of feminism hence the large F and fist burned into the right pectoral of each victim." You responded and pointed to the symbols on the pictures.

"Nice observation Cooper. Well, we'll continue this tomorrow. Reid will you show Y/N her desk and get her settled." Hotch spoke, and commanded Reid.

"Yeah I will." He said as he pushed folders and papers into his bag. You put your satchel over your shoulder and followed Reid out of the room.

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