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"Say it one more time princess." He taunted at you, waving the whip in one hand and knife in the other.

"Come on you begged slut! Say it!" He jabed the air around you with the knife, it coming close to your skin.

You bit your tounge, threatening what you thought was his third bluff. You complied the first time, him whipping you as a punishment instead of the latter blade.

"Do you really want to go there, fucking whore. Im not afraid to hurt you more. You're just hanging there begging for it huh? Tell me you want me to hurt you." He spoke and paced slowly infont of you.

"Over my dead fucking body." You spat, maybe your choice of words wasnt completely necessary.

"Oh you slut, that can be arranged." He advanced towards you quickly now, blade in hand. He sliced your upper thigh, the epidermis splitting and now drooling with blood.

You winced, cursing under your breath and heaving labored sighs.

"You want it huh. You want me to cut you up. You are just some petty ass cunt." He spat, shaking his head and moving away from you. His hands holding both weapons dropped to his sides and he headed to the shelves of weapons and other sorts of torture contraptions.

"I'll leave you be now, let you hang. You will answer me when I come back." He tucked the weapons away and nearly stomped out of the room.

You sighed, relaxing your handing arms and letting your feet come to the ground, only your toes touching the cold floor.

Your arms pulled, the muscles were tight and straining. once you got out of here you were going to be hella sore. If you got out of here.

You rolled your eyes, 'no need to get ahead of yourself' you thought, closing your lids and sighing.

Letting your mind roam, you thought of Reid. God he must be pretrified right now.

That made your head hurt, thinking about Reid being scared and upset about you missing.

Not until now had you actually realized you liked him, more than a friend too.

Yes there was some sort of unspoken thing between the two of you, kisses stolen and hand holding. Although you normally initiated it, Reid being socially awkward and scared to even speak to a woman he hasn't met more than once.

You smiled though, even in this situation Reid and his dorky personality making some sort of race of endorphins in your brain eliciting happiness.

You wanted to snuggle up to him, his warm komotos and eerily soft skin comforting. Strong and loving arms wrapping around you like he did when you slept on the sofa at the PD a few days ago.

Tears began to surface, the thought of a once loving and cuddly Reid now terrified and upset was bringing you to the brink of an emotional breakdown.

Your heart broke from the thought of him being scared for you.

It was getting to you quick and before you knew your body was wracking with sobs.

Jacob came back into the room, his eyebrows raised as to why you're crying.

"Chin up princess. Whats got you down?" He asked, rubbing your sides softly.

"I don't, I cant help-. I love him. I love someone and he probably misses me and is broken up about it and I don't want to put him through that." Maybe the love him was a lie but close to it and maybe, just maybe, he would pity you.

"Oh love. I love someone too. He's good, a great guy. Im sorry." He frowned at you. Maybe pity was working.

"I want, can I tell him? Can I talk to him?" You pleaded, tears still falling.

"I don't know.... it'll only be for a few moments. I'll step out if you want me to." He said, and pulled out a cellphone.

'I suppose pity is my forte' You thought.

He slowly lowered you down, unclasping one hand and handing the phone to you.

You sighed happily when the weight of the phone hit your hand and your arm was able to relax.

Thinking back in your mind you typed out Reid's number, dismissed Jacob, put the phone up to your ear, and let it ring.

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