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Weeks later

Your red converse contrasted against the gray and black gravel, your shoes crunching them as you walked from your parking space. Your car honked as you locked it, key fob in your hand.

You tucked the keys in your satchel. To-go bag in your right hand, coming prepared just incase.

You opened the door, tugging it open and entering in quickly so it didnt hit you when you went through the door.

A few fellow desk workers greeting you kindly and smiling. You smiled back, happy attitude making your morning seem brighter.

You walked over towards your desk, greeting Reid, Morgan,and Prentiss who's desks were close to each of yours.

You got out papers, folders, and case files out of your satchel, tucking it in the drawer you always put it. Second to last.

You nodded at your paperwork, reading up on the case files set there.

"Yo, ho! Fellow friends of Hotchners team and people in the bull pen! Please join in us in the conference room for a briefing!" Both JJ and Garcia spoke loudly into the bull pen, getting the attention of you, Morgan, Reid, and Prentiss. They left with a flick of their wrist and playful giggles.

You and Morgan shook your heads, complying and getting up. Reid sat still, jotting down something in a mole skinned journal.

"You coming pretty boy? Not like we're the only ones on the team." You laughed and looked towards Reid.

He muttered a quick 'coming' before finishing off a sentence and closing it, grabbing it and tucking it in his bag he brought with him.

"So, this case is a hard one. This will be hard to handle for us females so keep head strong ladies." JJ nodded at the table of people.

You, Prentiss, and Garcia nodded. The men in the room staying stern faced, understanding that it would be a time to be considerate and keep an open mind.

"Now," JJ started by thumbing through a slide show, Gracia turning her face down and ears open.

"Five women have gone missing in the Ohio area. All ageing between their early twenties and mid thirties." She flicked to the next photo, a woman lied on the ground, marks of torture, struggle, laserations covering her body.

You saw yourself in her, your body shuddering, you closing your eyes momentarily.

"These woman went under multiple days of torture, beatings, sexual abuse, a lot of things happened to these women." She spoke, flipping to another slide.

"The unsub is meticulous, each pair of clothes folded by the body of the victims, setting order for what he's done." People around the room nodded, scribbling down notes.

"The unsub not only gets sexual arousal by abusing them sexually but he also gets off by abusing them mentally and physically." Hotchner spoke.

"The victims lower shoulder muscles are strained, sprained, or completely torn presumably from being hung from the ceiling." JJ said.

All of you wrote down notes and conversed, trying to develope a profile to give to the police when you arrived in Ohio.

Wheels up in twenty was announced and you made it back to your desk, gathering your to-go  bag and satchel.

You followed Reid and Morgan to the plane, exiting the building and towards the air strips outside of the BAU.

You took a seat by Reid, a doubles chair on oppiste sides of a table. You were comparing notes about the case and the unsub. You nodded as he made valid points.

You laughed when he made a light hearted joke, obviously trying to lighten the mood because your body was stiff the whole conversation.

"I know youre concerned about this case Y/N." He spoke solemnly to you, voice quiet.

"Yeah, I know. I um. Just. Its a little hard." You said, voice hesitant.

"I know. Its stressful and this whole situation is not ideal, especially with the victims accusomed to you and the rest of the girls. You'll be okay. I promise." He said grabbing your hand softly.

You imtertwined your fingers, holding his hand fully and squeezed it softly. Relaxing you leaned your head on his shoulder.

"Y/N?" He said quietly, it supposed to be a question but coming out as a question.

"Shush I'm sleeping." You quieted him with a laugh.

"Sleep well then Y/N." He said with a smile, closing his own eyes and relaxing with you.


When you woke up the plane was about to land, Reid was up and reading. His hand was still completely intertwined, the only difference now was that Reid was running his thumb softly over your hand.

You stretched and looked at him. He smiled, closing his book and taking his hand out of yours.

"Noooo. Give me that back." You whined grabbing his hand and tucking it back in your own.

He blushed and smiled sheepishly, squeezing your hand softly. You smiled back at him and leaned against him again, feeling the plane land and come to a shuddered stop.

You let go of your hands together, sighing when you all gathered your bags.

You all exited the plane, a sort of single file line and walking down the steps.

"We will congigate in the nearest P.D. Going over the case and their files until a solid profile is formed. Then we will brief the cops and SWAT teams, keeping them up to date and on the same page and ready to take down the unsub when and where we have to. All we are doing is waiting till he makes a mistake." Hotch said, talking aloud to the group of people following him to the nearest group of black SUVs.

You all nodded in agreement, taking what he had in mind. The walk into the PD was silent and you only spoke when spoken to.

This case was going to be long.

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