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The team didn't end up getting the unsub that Tuesday, not that wednesday either. Finally you got justice for the murder of the innocent men and the unsub ended with a bullet in her chest, left dead at the sight you caught her.

Hotch and Rossi decided it was a good idea to stay back a day, letting everyone relax that Friday before taking leave on Saturday.

So you and Reid went privately into the city. Exploring and splurging in luxuries and tourist sites.  You took candid and surprise photos of Reid, catching him off guard but he still managed to look stunning in them.

One of your favorites is a candid of you and Reid, the tip of Reid's nose covered in ice cream and a laugh evident on your face, large open smile.

You immediately set it as your lock screen, if another favorite photo surfaced you would put it as your home screen.

You smiled every time you opened your phone, the photo sparking a happy memory. Happy memories, ones that you were never to forget.

Like the time during your lunch at a local Panera, when Reid accidentally dipped the entire right lense of his sunglasses in his soup.

He sloppily licked some of the soup off before you suggested wiping it off with a napkin.

You enjoyed your walk on Hollywood bulevuard and the walk of fame.

Taking pictures of your seemingly accidental match of shoes on your favorite actor's star.

Now you sat, more or less layed, on a small armchair in your hotel room. A book of Shakespeare's sonnets sat on your lap, a book you borrowed from Reid, the page open to a sonnet you had read three times over, not able to keep focused.

You sighed giving up and tucked a bookmark in the book. You tossed it on your bed, grabbed your phone and sent a quick text to Reid.

Im extrodinarily bored out of my mind and I think you are fantastic company. Come find me and hang out.

You slipped into a black bikini before grabbing your phone, room key, badge, and towel.


You relaxed, stretching your arms in a backstroke and moving your lucid body in the water.

Two doors opened and you looked towards that direction, a confused Reid standing by the edge of the pool.

"Y/N! What the hell are you doing? Its midnight!" He yelled softly, voice echoing through the empty swimming pool.

"Well. I marched my bored, happy little ass down here. Badge in hand and asked the kind little desk boy if he could open up the swimming pool for little ol me." You smiled cunningly.

"I mean I flashed my badge and I'm nearly half naked, his could a ninteen year old deny me?" You asked with a chuckle.

"Y/N. You can't be in here. Honestly. You'll probably get that poor boy fired." Reid whined.

"Come on Reid. Join me. Relax, take a swim." You smiled and playfully splashed the water.

"Y/N, I have nothing to swim in, and I don't even want to." He whined once more. Needy boy.

"Come on. I could care less if you swim in your tighty whities. just swim with me. Risk a little." You said with a wink.

"For a fact I do not wear 'tighty whities' because briefs are far more comfortable, and Y/N, how much do you want me to swim?" He asked, folding his arms over his chest.

"Out of ten?" You asked.

"Yes out of ten." He laughed and tilted his head to the side with a dorky smile.

"Twelve." You giggled. "I'll turn around if you want me to." You smiled.

"Cover your eyes." He said hesitantly. You laughed, turning around and covering your eyes, treading water slightly.

You could hear him shedding clothes quickly, his top first, then mismatched socks and sweats.

"Are you don-" Your question cut off when Reid jumped in, water flowing up and coming over your head.

You shreaked when you came up from the wave, moving your hair out of your face.

Reid bobbed up a few seconds later, standing flat on the pool floor since he's six foot.

"Thanks for trying to drown me Reid." You splashed water at him.

"I would never try anything like that." He laughed and tossed his head back with a deep chuckle, Adams apple bobbing.

You looked down, Reid sporting orange striped briefs on his pale skin.

"Nice stripes you have there slick. Orange is a lovely color." You laughed and swam over to him.

"Hey, at least I'm swimming with you." He held a mock frown and covered himself.

You swam over, legs treading water as you got closer to him.

"Ive had a really good time with you Reid. Getting to know you has been fantastic." You smiled.

"Same with you. I find you very fascinating. You are a good person." He smiled and swam towards you a little bit.

You smiled at his compliments, blushing softly. You swam even closer to him now, bodies a few inches away.

His hands reached out to you instinctively. Before he knew what he was doing your body was flush against him.

"When I first met you in the briefing room, god, I wanted to kiss you so bad." You spoke quietly to him, the whisper still reverberating against the walls.

"Y/N. You. I. Um." He stuttered out.

"Im going to kiss you. If you don't like it tell me to stop." You said.

He swallowed thickly.

"Y/N-." You cut him off by pressing your lips to his. They were big, ample. They enveloped your lips completely, rather chapped due to his constant lick on them, on which you picked up on and noted.

Even though he seemed hesitant, he kissed back. Lips moving against yours, hand going up and cupping your cheek, tilting heads and deepening it.

You pulled back, leaning in to peck softly once more.

"Wow Reid. That was.." You breathed out eyes finally opening to see his face, lips slightly red, and puffed from kissing passionately.

"Good. Great to be exact. You're rather good at that. I uh. I've only kissed one other girl. A long time ago." He said sheepishly, a blush forming and his gaze casting to the side.

"Reid I find that very hard to believe. You're so handsome, I would jump any damn gun to kiss you." You spoke quieter.

"I... I wouldn't. I don't, uhmm, I don't think that highly of myself." He said fidgeting under the water.

"You should. If you're comparing yourself to someone like Morgan you don't need to. You are so handsome. You're tall, skinny, incredibly intelligent. You may not be made of muscle or Mr.Perfect, but you are amazing." You said firmly.

You grabbed his chin away from his flickered off gaze and pointed his eyes towards yourself.

You pecked his lips again.

"You are okay with this... right?" You asked and looked at him.

"Im more than okay with it. Your lips are very soft. I am enjoying this very much." He smiled. You nodded and continued to kiss him.

He walked slowly to the wall of the pool, your lips still against one another feverishly. Kissing on a spectrum between softly and passionately.

And after your last kind pecks, Reid led a tired you to your room, helped you settle back in bed (setting an alarm for seven so you didnt sleep in when wheels were up) before taking himself back to his hotel room and finally getting a proper sleep for once in a while.

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