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You put on sweats and a tank top, drained the bubbles from your bath and waited for the boys to arrive. You now smelled of a flower shop but who would complain about that.

The birds flew around the house, traveling from upstairs and downstairs happily, their wings gliding them any where they pleased.

You continued to try and tidy up, even though you spent a majority of your day cleaning the house.

Now you sat on the sofa down stairs, whisting at the birds, letting them come land on you to peck your cheek with a small birdie kiss before flying away.

Soon the door bell rang and they squaked with anticipation.

"Scarlet, Tom, at attention please." You told them. They understood and flew to a near by perch, relaxing as you made your way to the door.

You relaxed, not understanding why you were so nervous, and regained a steady composure.

You unlocked the deadbolt and twisted the knob, the door swinging open.

"Hello boys." You smiled and nodded.

"Hey babycakes. Nice home." Morgan spoke as he entered.

"Thank you." You said as you smiled and nodded towards Reid, both of you giving a silent greeting.

Once as you closed the door you whistled and the birds came off of their perches and flew towards Morgan.

"Y/N What the hell! Why are there birds in your house!?" He yelled as the birds tried to land on him, Morgan ducking down to get away from them.

"Tom, Scarlet, stand down why don't you. You've frightened him" you said to them and they flew over to you, perching on your shoulders.

"You didnt answer my question. Why the hell do you have birds?" Morgan asked, standing up and fixing his composure.

"Because like Gideon did, I suppose, she has a certain fascination with them. I mean birds are maginificent Morgan. They are highly intelligent beings. More of an intellectual than actual humans I suppose." Reid spoke and reached out to stroke Tom.

Tom took it as an invitation and stood on Reid's hand, Reid retracting it to have the bird closer to him.

"God the more I learn about you people the stranger you get." He shook his head.

You wiggled your shoulder, the blue macaw flying off and to a near by perch, Tom soon doing the same from Reid's fingers.

"How about we find pretty boy's sock and get some pizza?" You asked and they both nodded curtly.

You both went to the living room, Reid confirming that he did in fact try to sleep on the couch.

You nodded, getting down on hands and knees, bending your head down to peer under the coffee table.

Both standing boys looking at your ass, which was up in the air as you tried to reach an arm under the coffee table, and then looking at eachother, Morgan smirking and nodding in aporoval as Reid blushed.

You grunted as you reached for the sock, both Reid and Morgan widening their eyes and head snapping towards each other again.

Morgan mouthed to Reid, 'that's so hot.' Morgan playfully rolling his eyes back and throwing his head back.

Reid shook his head, blushing more and then looking back down at you.

"I can almost reach the damn sock." You whined and then layed flat, reaching back further and grabbing it. You rolled over on your back, looking up at the boys.

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