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JJ sat with Reid, combing her fingers through his hair, Reid running his fingers over a shirt of yours. The dark circles under his eyes were now darker than usual, a sick dark purple. Prentiss had coaxed him into relaxing on the couch, wanting him to get some sleep and clear his mind.

JJ had drawn him a bath, her and you being the only ones to know that Reid enjoyed baths very often.

She let him lay in the water and bubbles, him requesting the lights off even though he was frightened of the dark.

"I do not enjoy the dark, but relaxing in a solitude or dark place is known to clear the mind and help someone rest, and thats what you want me to do." He said as JJ walked out of the bathroom and closed the door behind her.

While Reid stayed in the bath, he kept a hand extended out from the water. He was scrolling through your camera roll, looking through the photos of you both.

Prentiss and JJ talked quietly while Reid bathed, talking about the current situation.

Now Reid was resting against JJ, his heart rate was slow and he felt as if his heart was in his toes.

"Spence, its hard, so hard. Im scared, just as terrified as you are. We have no clue where she is, where the unsub is, but we will find her. I will find her, whatever it takes." She reassured him, looking down at him.

"I think I'm ready to help look for her." He muttered, she nodded letting him unsettle from his position now and standing up.

Hotch came in a few seconds later.

"Look who's up and running. How are you Reid?" Hotch asked and stood by the door.

"Ive been better." Reid straightened his mouth, his lips thinning and dimples showing up.

"She's strong Reid, we'll get her soon. Dont worry." Hotch reassured him and cleared his throat.

"Now, I need Reid to come with me and look at the camera footage." Hotch said and grabbed Reid's shoulder.

Reid followed Hotch, trudging out the door and towards the elevator.

The elevator was quiet, the usual dumb cliche music playing in yhe background. The constant dings passing the floors made Reid a bit more irritated and eery.

He left the lift with Hotch, walking lazily towards where he was being lead.

Hotch took him past the counter, Reid's mind invisioning you standing there buying popcorn in his tshirt and swimsuit bottoms.

He frowned, mouth pulling thin and eyebrows furrowing. Hotch walked with Reid to the tech room, tons of screens gathered around playing current security footage.

Hotch sat down, pulling Garcia up on the phone to help him how locate the footage.

He got the camera footage from the front counter, you walking up, talking, and turning around.

Reid itched at watching Lucas sneak up behind you, white cloth in hand. You struggling making him shudder and advert his eyes.

"Reid I need you to watch." Hotch asserted, rewinding the tape.

"Hotch, I can't watch it." He pleaded.

"Reid, I need you to profile this footage." He continued and patted Reid's shoulder.

He complied and continued the video footage.

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