Chapter 27: Changes

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A/N: Degree info included in this chapter is not 100% accurate, alterations had to be made despite my research because some things just need a bit of fixing so that they fit into my story. So sue me British people. Also, as always I'm changing the tour dates to suit my story line cos yeah. 

In typical Charlotte Nerd Jones fashion, I had arranged for every decent universities’ course book to be express posted to me, and now had them arranged on my bed, strewn across it leaving little room for me to sit cross legged, surrounded by them all, a pen cap in between my teeth as I circled potentials.

So far I had narrowed it down to a short list. But my subconscious has her own opinion on every option, and as I know all too well her happiness determines mine.

Bachelor of Fashion: Hair and Makeup at London College of Fashion.  Yeah right.

Bachelor of Biochemistry at Cambridge. Like mother like daughter, eh?

Bachelor of Economics and Management at Oxford. Yawn.

Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Creative Industries majoring in Fashion at QUT, Brisbane, Australia. I’m not even going to justify that with a response Lola.

Bachelor of Psychology at University of Leeds. Maybe.

Bachelor of Journalism at University of Manchester.  Potentially.  

So many options and I haven’t even read through all the course catalogues yet. It would be helpful if I had a clue what I wanted to do with my life. If I really searched deep down, I feel the solution is there, but it’s just out of reach at the moment and my mind needs a final push.

I decided to dip my toe in to test the water, see what my family’s reaction will be like to my sudden change of heart, by first telling my Grandmother. I’d arranged to have tea with her out at the estate this morning, and I was dressed as if I was going to church in a pale pink dress.

She’d beckoned me to sit across from her at the small table out on the large balcony overlooking the expanse of the estate, her wrinkled eyes looking at me with an eagerness I’d seen before in my own eyes when I was curious.

“Charlotte, do tell, what have I done to earn the privilege of your company this morning?” She says with a light chuckle, handing me a scone.

“Just a friendly visit, Gran, nothing too out of the ordinary.” I smile, spreading jam and cream onto the warm scone.

“Ha! You’re forgetting that you’re the spitting image of me at that age, and I can read you like a book. Spill, dear.” She says from over the top of her cup of tea.

“There’s no fooling you.” I roll my eyes playfully, biting into the scone. “I’m thinking of going back to university.”

“Oh Charlotte, that’s wonderful. To do your masters?” She asks, smiling enthusiastically.

“No, well, not necessarily. I think I want to do something completely different.”

“Like what?” Her eyebrows furrow, she tries to keep a smile on her face but I know she’s contemplating what it would mean for the family if I’m not a lawyer.

“I’m not too sure yet. I was thinking maybe journalism.” I shrug.

“I was a journalist, you know.” She says with a small grin, her eyes lighting up proudly.

“I know you were. I think I would be good at it, I think it would be fun…law’s just…I don’t know, it’s not what makes me happy anymore I don’t think. But I’m really worried about what Mum and Grandad are gonna say…” I sip my tea as I cautiously wait for her response.

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