Author's note

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So i'm probably going to delete this author's note soon, but I just need to know if anyone is actually enjoying the sequel? I'm just not feeling excited about it, I was so excited to write it but it just reads so bland and boring to me, so I was just wondering if you could let me know if you're enjoying it as much as Friends? because i don't want it to be one of those books where the sequel is really really shit. 

So yeah, if you're not loving it, I might put it on hold and have a bit of a sit down and sort out what I need to do to fix this. I have exams with uni coming up, so it might be like a 2 week haitus and then on semester break I will be able to devote way more time to it. I just don't want to taint Friends by writing a shitty sequel. Someone even suggested I make it a trilogy, but that just stresses me out because I don't really LOVE Acquaintances and it's only 7 chapters in. 

If there is something you're not liking about it, can you tell me what? LIke is it my writing style, has that gone down hill? Or is it character construction, or story line? I just am feeling very BLAH and Friends was literally my baby, I love that book so much and I hold myself to such a high standard to make Acquaintances meet that standard, like I had such a clear vision for Friends, and this just seems to be falling a bit flat. 

But maybe I am completely off base, and it's fine. 

Just let me know what you think, comment or message. :) 

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