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Draco's POV

I watch as memory after memory flys by, me and Harry going shopping, me in DADAs with Harry's patronus, buying all the candy, the raccoons, building snowmen, Melody's birthday, but my favourite one was Harry telling me the bedtime story if the 'Ice prince' and the 'golden boy' and a bunch more random ones the whole I time I stood watching in shock and awe about 45 minuets later we were back standing in Dumbledores office.

"Woah" I finally breath out after a couple long seconds of defining silence. I look up at Harry who's eyes are filled with both worry and hope with a faint blush on his cheeks probably from the embarrassing memories.

"Well... um," I trail off looking down at my feet.

"You don't have to be friends with me like you said when you were little I mean you weren't in your right state of mind and I would understand if, Well, If you don't wan-"

"Harry of course I still want to hang out with you, but I- I just," I sigh in annoyance at my own over loaded brain of course I want to be friends with him but I want to be so much more.

"It might get some getting used to but I'm sure we will figure it out" I say looking back up at him on for a wide smile to spread across his face and his eyes sparkle which reminds me way to much of Dumbledore but I just can't keep from his smile spreading to my own face too. We said our good byes and planned to meet up this hogsmade weekend to hang out. I walked down to my common room into my own private room, perks of being a Malfoy I guess, with the same thoughts running through my head about how I'm almost positive that Harry likes me back, how our weekend plans will go, and most of all all of the memories I now have back of all the embarrassing things I did while I was little but surprisingly those ones are my favourite. I quickly drift off to sleep in my bed I haven't been in for what seems like forever.

Harry's POV

After me and Draco said our goodbyes and good night I headed up to the Gryffindor common rooms to talk to neville for a little before I head off to bed.

"Hey harry Hermione and Ron are over there if you want" he says pointing to the corner of the room where I can see them sitting together Ron asleep and Hermione reading a book with her legs across his lap.

"No I came to hang out with you, I mean if you not busy" I say now realizing that he was reading by himself.

"Oh no I'm not busy I was just doing my herbolgy homework but it's not due for another week so it's fine why what's up?" He says closing his book setting it down beside the chair as I plop down in front of him in the arm chair.

"Nothing, So how's it going with Luna?" I ask with a smirk and he immediately turns red looking down at his lap fiddling with his hands.

"G-good she's real nice I mean she always knows how to lighten to mood and knows exactly what to say. I miss having you around here though I don't ever have anyone to talk to anymore besides Luna and she can't come in here because she's a ravenclaw" he says with this dreamy faraway look in his eyes making me chuckle at him which seems to snap him back into reality.

"What about you and draco... I mean how have you been since, well Y'know" he trails off giving me this sad smile which I return with a wide smile making the corners of my eyes crinkle.

"Amazing" I say happily

"Really? I thought you would be kinda sad that he can't seem to remember.

"Well tonight we went up to Dumbledores office and I showed him my memories of us together in a pensive. After that he said that he would still like to be friends with me but it might take some getting used to, we then made plans to hang out this weekend at hogsmade." I said the smile not once leaving my face as I spoke.

"Harry I'm so happy for you do you think he likes you back? Like, like-like you?" He asks and I blush.

"I'm fairly certain but I'm not 100% sure yet but I plan to find out sooner or later"

"Well either way I'm happy for you, you've been through enough you deserve someone happy especially after the war and Ron and Hermione kinda ditched us all" he says with a sigh but quickly smiles again covering up His sadness.

"Well I better head to bed I had a busy day trying to not be ate by a plant with super sharp thorns on its pedals trying to bite me" he said with a chuckle grabbing his book before standing.

"I better get going to it's almost curfew and I dont particularly want to get points taken away or detention" I say yawning only now realizing how tired I am.

"Night nev" I say before walking out of the painting.

"Night harry" he says back walking up the stairs to the boys dormitory. I walk back to the ROR then into my bed with a new warmth in my chest knowing that I haven't lost draco completely before falling asleep.


Omg guys I'm so sorry for not posting last week I completely forgot I was so busy studying for history, math, French, and English tests I forgot but I made this one about 300 words longer then I usually do for you💖😭 I'm also gonna aha e to change my cover because other people have the same one so sry guys 😞

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