LIII: Do or Die

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Dakota,Dominique,Maria, and Hector made their way into the Institute after fighting their way in. They checked the halls just to be safe that no demon was going to attack. When all of a sudden, Maria and Dakota were pushed to the wall and Dominique and Hector drawed their weapons to Jace and Clary.

Dominique: Jace, Clary?

Hector: What are you doing?

Clary and Jace already started to attack, and Hector and Dominique did their best to avoid the sword from killing them.

Jace: Keep going, they can't hold on much longer.

Hector: What are you talking about? It's us, Dominique and Hector.

Clary: Nice try, but you're not fooling us.

Dominique: How are we fooling you?

Through every single dodge, nobody knew what was wrong with them. Unfortunately, Hector and Dominique got wrapped up in Jace and Clary's arms.

Hector: Guys it's us.

Jace: Don't even.

Dominique: I see what's going on...

Hector knew it, and he also knew how to get out of this.

Hector: Wait, Jace, it's me Hector. The son that you adopted, remember? Listen, remember the time you were training with Alyssa and I? You were teaching us how to use a seraph blade, and you were extremely happy when you saw how I was improving on it. I know that you adopted me, and all and I never called you 'dad'. I didn't do it, because I didn't know how would you feel about it or if you were ready for it. Then I realized that it wasn't you, it was me and that I was letting the past blind me. I knew it would take time for me to ever call you that, and that it would take time for me to move on from my previous family but I can starts trying to. already lost my dad I don't want to lose you.

Jace thought for a moment, and then looked at Clary who already let go of Dominique. Jace let go of his son, and everyone went back to Dakota and Maria.

Clary: Sorry about that.

Jace: It's with the Verpletted demons, they can shape-shift.

Hector: Shape-shift?

Jace: Yeah, that's how Kiana managed to attack someone had set off the alarms and Kiana released a bunch of them. We lost Magnus and Alec, and we separated from Simon and Izzy.

Dakota: What are we going to do now?

Jace: I don't know.

[Tessa's house]

Tessa: Alyssa you know I can't do that.

Alyssa: My dads are in danger, and they are going to die because of me.

Tessa: What if this is a trap?

Alyssa: Trust me, it isn't a trap at all. Kiana, literally, video chatted me saying that if I don't come they will die.

Out of nowhere, Jem came out.

Jem: Tessa, just let her go.

Tessa: Jem, you know we can't, we promised-

Jem: Magnus said that we had to watch Max, and since Alyssa was already at Ella's house they assumed that she would stay there.

Alyssa: And they never said anything about protecting me.

Tessa: Though Alec said that he told you to-

Alyssa: I know, but they are the only family I will ever have. Please Tessa, I already lost my family once I can't lose this one.

Tessa saw the plead and pain in her eyes, and she couldn't bare it to see it.

Tessa: Fine, I'll let you go.

Alyssa: Thank you.

Tessa made a portal, and before Alyssa(Rosemary) could go she had one more thing to say.

Alyssa: Take care of Max, okay?

Tessa: We will.

Alyssa: I'll come back for Max, once I save my dads.

Alyssa(Rosemary) went through the portal, and she was already in the weapons room.

Alyssa: Huh, good thinking Tessa.

[In the Alec's office.]

Kiana: It's been awhile, since I called my daughter don't you think? Maybe she won't come at all, what a shame.

Alec: She isn't coming, because she knows that this a trap.

Kiana: That's what they all say, and speaking of 'she' don't you think it's about time I told you about what happened to your precious Rosemary?

Magnus: Do not speak her name.

Kiana: Always the angry one, and here I thought pretty boy here was the mess of emotions. I suppose I should tell the story before you go. It is true I did take her away, but then I got bored of her so I gave her away.

Magnus: You didn't...

Kiana: I did.

Alec: Where did you take her?!

Kiana: I sold her to a promising family that would love and take care of her, no worries. By take care, I mean by they really did take care of her.

Magnus: Stop being cryptic with us, just tell us where she is!

Kiana: Well the family sold her to hell, and to a very familiar relative of yours...Magnus.

Magnus: No...

Kiana: How I love a good story, don't you?

Alec: I'll kill you...

Kiana: Oh you don't have to, because I'm going to kill you first!

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