94. Belladonna

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A/N: you might cry a bit. Sorry.

"Have you heard about Louis?" I ask Milena as the day darkens. She's been missing all morning, but she managed to come to my room after the quietest supper I've ever had.

The Queen was there, but Catherine wasn't. Harry, Aiden, and Tadia were there, as well, but everyone else remained absent. The dining table was empty, missing four people. I had planned on checking up on Catherine after supper, but as soon as I arrived at her room, she shook her head as if to say she wanted to be alone.

If I had known murdering the King would have this much of an impact on her, I wouldn't have...no. It had to be done. I'll help Catherine get through this, but I will not feel guilty about getting rid of that monster.

Before I had visited her, I was sitting by the dining table in frustration. The sole reason why we murdered him was so we could take his place and rule Leria. I think I would have been a good Queen. The plan backfired, however, leaving Harry to claim the throne.

I still can't believe Louis framed Liam for the King's death. I tried to convince people that Liam has been framed and they should let him go, but no one listened to me. Obviously, I'm disappointed that I can't become the Queen, but my heart goes out to the people I unintentionally hurt.

I'd rather have Liam be released than become Queen. He deserves to be free, to be with his family. And poor Harry. He's only seventeen, but he's going to be forced into something he isn't ready for.

However, I was there when he gave his first orders. My spirit lifted when he said he's going to have Liam released. I was even happier when he said he wasn't going to take part in an arranged marriage.

I had no idea his feelings for Milena were that strong, but I feel content knowing that neither of them have to be heartbroken. Not to mention that he said she's pregnant.

I'd love to be pregnant, to have a sweet, little baby to call my own. Children have always been seen as a miracle in my eyes, and I want nothing more than to have one for myself, but I'm not sure what Louis thinks about it.

Louis. I can only imagine how enraged he must feel, now that we know the truth about him. He probably feels angry, betrayed, and confused. This news confused everybody, and I can see why the Queen wanted their conversation to be private.

"Yes, I have," Milena states, pulling me out of my thoughts. "He came to see me today."

I turn to her and furrow my brows, taking a seat next to her on my couch. "He did? What happened?"

She looks down at her fingers, playing with them nervously. "He asked for my forgiveness. Wanted me to accept him into my family."

"And? Did you?" I ask, sipping my wine and waiting for her response.

She takes a deep breath and shakes her head. "How can I? After everything he's done to me, I just couldn't find it in myself to forgive him."

"I don't blame you," I dryly chuckle. "But, I still can't help feeling like he can change. Maybe I'm just being stupid, but I really want to see him try to be good for once."

"Not sure that's possible," she mumbles, playing with the ends of her hair. Then, she sighs and looks up at me. "Sorry you have to be married to him."

I sigh, taking another sip. "Yeah...but, that's enough of that. Let's talk about something else."

"Oh, um, sure," she stutters. "What would you like to talk about?"

"So," I give her a knowing smile. "You and Harry. How did that happen?"

She laughs, shaking her head. "Really?"

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