103. Milena

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     "How are you feeling, darling?" Edith asks as one of the seamstresses tries to tie my corset loosely as to not squish my stomach but not so loose that it will slip off.

     I shrug, clearing my throat. "Queasy."

     "That's to be expected, what with the baby and all," she responds. It's too early for any symptoms to begin, though. That, I know for sure. The baby isn't the reason for my nausea.

     I don't want to be the queen. I want to marry Harry, but the only way I can do that is by becoming the queen. Honestly, I'm scared. I don't know anything about being a leader, and neither does Harry. It relieves me that we won't have to go through this alone, but the fact that neither of us knows what we're doing is still frightening.

     "When does the ceremony begin?" I ask no one in particular as the maids bring my dress. They help me into it slowly as I inspect myself in the mirror. My hair is brushed, my eyes are bright, and my skin isn't sickly pale anymore. I don't look like myself, and I'm starting to like it.

     Before I can get an answer, the door opens and in walks the Queen, with a stone cold look on her face. Everyone but I bows in her presence, I will not bow to someone I do not respect. She notices, but doesn't mention it.

     "Your Majesty," Edith says, and the Queen turns to her.

     "Are all of the preparations complete?" She asks eloquently, and Edith nods.

     "All that's left is to get Milena ready, then it will be time for the ceremony."

     The Queen turns to me and gives me a subtle glare. "And the coronation? Is everything ready?"

     Edith nods once more. "The throne room is set up and ready to crown the next king, Your Majesty."

     "May I have a moment alone with the bride?" She says, and I feel my palms immediately begin to sweat. Last time I had a moment alone with her, she called me a whore and insulted my mother, so I can't be blamed if I don't want to be left alone in a room with her.

     Of course, everyone else bows their heads and leave the room immediately. I nervously clear my throat, looking down at the ground and refusing to lift my head, even though I can feel her eyes on me.

     "Look at me." She merely says, and I reluctantly look up. I will not lie, she is quite beautiful. Although, her beauty does not mask her cold heart.

     "Your Majesty?" I quietly say, hoping this won't be too unpleasant.

     She slowly walks closer to me, examining me in my dress. "How are you feeling?"

     This caught me off guard. "...um...I'm alright?"

     "You must be nervous." She says. "Today is a big day for you, isn't it? You'll be marrying my son and taking my place as Queen in a matter of hours. You must be so terribly anxious."

     I gulp and nod slightly, remaining cautious. I have no idea where she's going with this.

     "Y-Yes, I'm quite nervous, honestly." I admit, unable to move from my spot. "How are you today, Your Majesty?"

     "I'm here to tell you that I will...tolerate you. For as long as I can." The Queen says, and I furrow my brows.

     "I'm sorry," I step off of the pedestal, lifting my dress a bit so my feet don't trip over the fabric. "I'm not sure I understand."

     She sighs, lowering her head for the first time ever. "My son loves you, and the way he talks about you tells me that you're special to him. But, he also loves me. It would break his heart to see that his wife and his mother do not respect each other. So, I am here to inform you that I will be civil with you, if you're willing to be civil with me. This in no way means that I will ever accept you as a part of my family, though."

     She pauses, clearly waiting for me to respond, but I don't know what to say. She wants to try and get along with me?

     "So..." I begin, clearing my throat. "You want us to try and get along with each other?"

     "For Harry's sake, of course." She responds, and I nod my head. Before I can say anything else, Edith barges back in.

     "Your Majesty," she calls, "You are needed at the chapel."

     The Queen nods wordlessly and leaves the room immediately. The other maids return, including Prue, who I haven't spoken to since we left the throne room.

     "Prue?" I say, and Prue turns her head towards me with curiosity. "Can I talk to you?"

     "Of course," Prue responds with a smile. I've decided to tell her about my dream. "What is it?"

     I turn to Edith, who senses that I need some privacy. She gives me a quick look before giving the other maids chores. I make my way over to the bed and motion for Prue to follow me. We sit side by side, both careful not to ruin my dress.

     "I had a dream last night," I begin. "My mother visited me."

     Prue's eyes widen. "Wow, really?"

     I nod. "Yes. She told me..."


     "What do you think this all means?" Prue asks once I've finished telling her what happened in my dream.

     I shrug, not knowing what to say. "I don't know. I truly think it was my mother who was speaking to me, but I just don't know how to interpret it all. I mean, why hasn't she come to me sooner? She's been gone for ten years, and this is the first time she's visited me through my dreams? This must've been something important, but I just don't know what to make of it."

     "This is a sign," Prue states. "Everything that she said to you, she said for a reason. There must be some explanation as to why she told you about her and the late king, and why she told you to use your power as the queen wisely."

     Before I can respond, the door opens and hits the wall with a bang, revealing a worn-down Belladonna. Her hair is a mess, her skin is pale, and the light in her eyes has gone. We all rush towards her with worry.

     "Sorry I'm late," she croaks once we surround her. When she spoke, a whiff of alcohol leaves her mouth. As soon as I smell it, my stomach turns and I run to the nearest bin, emptying the little content that was in my stomach from today. Prue and Edith rush towards me and hold my hair back until I'm finished. Once I am, I groan and, with help, I struggle my way to the bed. Belladonna looks at me with wide eyes. "Oh, my God! Sorry, was that my fault?"

     Edith answers for me. "Why do you smell like alcohol?"

     "Rough night," is all she says in response.

     "Hm," Edith states with disapproval before turning back to me. "Milena, my dear. It's time to head over to the chapel. I've spoken to your brother, and he said he wants to be the one to walk you down the aisle."

     "Alec?" I breathe in disbelief. "Why? He hasn't spoken to me in a long time, he hates me."

     "Not Alec," Edith responds, guiding me towards the door. "Ben."


Um there's only one chapter left guys and it's gonna be a long one

Can you believe we're almost done with this story? It's been over a year since I started this story and now I'm only one chapter away from finishing it...kinda sad.

Anyways, hope you guys have a good day and I'll see you soon <3

Love, Tori

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