73. Belladonna

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*the next morning*

     "You look absolutely beautiful!"

     I put on my best smile for the Queen, who's beaming. I don't think she's ever smiled this much in her life, honestly, and I don't know why. She doesn't like Louis very much, so why would she seem so happy for this wedding?

     "Thank you, my Queen," I nod to her, then turn back to face the mirror. The wedding is in two hours, and somehow my dress feels much tighter than it did at the last fitting yesterday. It's harder to breathe in it, even though I asked for the corset to be loosened. God, I hate corsets.

     I still need to have a stylist apply my makeup for me, and my sweet lady-in-waiting has offered to do my hair. It seemed a bit strange this morning, when she asked me to refer to her as "Milena", but then she explained that it's her full name. It's such a unique, beautiful name. Something seems off about her, though. Like something's wrong.

     Louis left early in the morning to prepare for the ceremony in the King's chambers, along with his brothers and presumably the King himself. I, on the other hand, must be surrounded by strangers rather than family. I don't have much of a family, though, just my father.

     I'd prefer it if Tadia and Vivienne didn't have to be here, but I'm too polite to ask them to leave. I almost didn't recognize Tadia, because I've only seen her a couple of times since I moved here. She's been cooped up in her room since she gave birth over a month ago, but now she's back to a normal life. Well, as normal as the life of a Royal can be.

     It's obvious that the Queen doesn't approve of either Tadia or Vivienne, which is...understandable. Vivienne has done nothing but talk for the last hour, and Tadia is subtly judging everything about me. Knowing that Tadia took what was supposed to be mine gives me all the more reason to despise her.

     I was supposed to marry Liam, but the King forbade it because of my age. Everyone knows that's complete bullshit, though. The King needed an alliance with Alba through Baron Nathaniel, Tadia's father. If it wasn't for that, I'd be married to Liam and waiting for the time when he and I would become King and Queen. I would've liked being the Queen. I'd like for that to happen. I've been successful at painting the image of who I want people to believe I am, but after today, things are going to change. I came here for one reason, and one reason only. If all goes well, according to plan, I-

     "Tadia, the baby's crying," Catherine interrupts my thoughts. I had been so occupied with what's going on in my mind, I didn't even notice the crying baby on the bed by Catherine. Tadia rolls her eyes and walks to the bed, picking up her daughter and rocking her back and forth. I can't help but look at Penelope fondly. Tadia takes her children for granted, I'd give anything to have babies. The last time I brought it up, Louis shouted at me. I will not let him take away the one thing I've always wanted. I am going to be a mother, that's for sure.

     "That's all this baby does," Tadia mumbles, huffing. I can see the Queen eyeing her, then turning her attention to her glass of wine. I was told I can't have any wine yet, as I might stain the dress. It's too bad, I could've used some alcohol to help with my nerves.

     "Here you are, my Lady," one of the maids in the room approaches me with a box, and sets it on the vanity. I notice her placing her hand on her pregnant stomach as she steps back. "I have been tasked with doing your makeup."

     She opens the box and takes out many things, things that are unrecognizable to me. I've always been told that I don't need makeup, that I shouldn't have my natural beauty be painted over. Naturally, this means that I have no idea how makeup works. I cringe at the sight of a container filled with black liquid.

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